Displaying 4151–4175 of 6478

ID Name Street Address City Start Date End date
4750 Mrs. S. Sledge Henrietta Street, Covent Garden London (GB) 1771 1777
5193 Mrs. Sarah James Cambridge (GB) 1758 1799
4601 Mrs. Smart and Co. Reading (GB) 1764 1770
2309 Mrs. Smith [Hatton Garden] 37 Charles Street, Hatton Garden London (GB)
3363 Mrs. Stower [printer] Clapton (GB) 1817 1824
2020 Mrs. Street Southampton (GB)
5280 Mrs. Vertue and Samuel Goadby [Royal Exchange] At the Royal Exchange London (GB) 1734 1753
5281 Mrs. Vertue and Samuel Goadby [Sweetings Alley] Cornhill, Sweetings Alley Cornhill (GB) 1753 1753
5086 Mrs. Vizard Over against Castle Market, corner of Sycamore Alley, Dame Street Dublin (IE) 1732 1735
2338 Mrs. Wall London (GB)
4259 Mrs. Waugh Fisher Row Reading (GB) 1791 1792
4968 Mrs. Whittingham 12 Staining Lane, Wood Street London (GB) 1817
5138 Mrs. William Richardson In the Strand, at Kentish Town London (GB) 1764 1788
4957 Mrs. Williams Ludgate Hill London (GB) 1763
4970 Mrs. Wright 38 St. John's Square London (GB) 1809
5096 Mrs. Yeates New Row Dublin (IE) 1718
6807 Mudie and Sons Edinburgh (GB)
171 Mundell and Son [Catherine Mundell and James Mundell] Parliament Stairs Edinburgh (GB) 1789 1800
3847 Mundell and Son [Printer] Royal Bank Close London (GB)
5334 Munroe and Francis [4 Cornhill] 4 Cornhill, corner of Water-Street Boston (US)
6149 Munroe, Francis & Parker 4 Cornhill Boston (US) 1808 1816
6249 Muzio Clementi and Co. 26 Cheapside London (GB) 1800 1829
1066 Myles Swinney and Henry Hawkins 75 High Street Birmingham (GB) 1770 1807
1993 N. Bliss Oxford (GB)
8115 N. Dobb In the Strand London (GB) 1726 1728