Name Broadside
Abbreviation bs

A document printed on one side only of a single sheet of paper.


Displaying 1–25 of 271

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
15521 [An elegiac poem, on the death of that celebrated divine, and eminent servant of] Jesus Christ, the reverend [and learned] George Whitefield, by Phillis, a servant girl, of 17 years of age, belonging to Mr. J. Wheatley, of Boston:--she has been but 9 years in this country from Africa. Wheatley Peters , Phillis
22009 A catalogue of globes, maps, &c. made by the late John Senex, F.R.S. and continue to be sold by his widow Mary Senex, at the Globe, over-against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street: where may be had, all maps and globes, &c. as in Mr. Senex's life-time. Viz. 1740
23509 A catalogue of globes, maps, &c. made by the late John Senex, F.R.S. and continue to be sold by his widow, Mary Senex, at the Globe, over-against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-Street; where may be had, all maps and globes, &c. as in Mr. Senex's life-time, ... 1745
23450 A catalogue of globes, maps, &c. made by the late John Senex, F.R.S. and continue to be sold by his widow, Mary Senex, over-against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-street; where may be had all maps and globes, &c. as in Mr. Senex's life-time Mary Senex (London)
26193 A Coalision of Parties Give Justice her claims. Unknown ,
Elizabeth Darchery (London)
25049 A Collection of Passion Flowers Mary Lawrance (London)
26129 A copy of verses, humbly presented to all my worthy masters and mistresses of the parish of St. Luke's Chelsea, in county of Middlesex, by Thomas Redford, beadle and bellman. For the year M,DCC,LXXI. Redford , Thomas
24640 A journal of the survey of the Narragansett Bay, and parts adjacent, taken in the month's of May and June, A.D. 1741. By order of the Honourable Court of Commissioners appointed by his majesty King George the Second. Poetically described by one of the surveyors. Chandler , William
23168 A letter from Helen Hutton, who was Execute at Haddington, on Friday last, the 25th of February, written to her mother a few days before her execution. Hutton , Helen
s.n. [sine nomine]
26199 A New Coat of Arms, granted to the H++ds of the U++++++++y of C+++++++e, since their late Edict against Dinners. Unknown ,
Hannah Humphrey [51 New Bond Street] (London)
16178 A Poem, Spoken Extempore, by a Young Lady, on hearing the Guns Firing and Bells chiming on account of the Great and Glorious Acquisition of their Excellencies General Washington, and the Count de Grasse, by the Surrender of York-Town, in Virginia, in which were Lord Cornwallis and Army, consisting of Nine Thousand Troops, a Forty Gun Ship, Frigate, an armed Vessel and One Hundred Sail of Transports. Unknown , [Woman]
13211 A preparatory French grammar, with copious exercises on each rule; adapted to the humblest capacity, and designed to prepare the pupil for entering, with ease and pleasure upon the grammars and exercises of Chambeaud [sic] & Perrin. By A. Lindley. Lindley , Ann
William Darton and Joseph Harvey [Gracechurch] (London)
13441 A psalm of Thanksgiving to be sung by the Children of Christ's Hospital, on Monday and Tuesday in Easter Week, 1828; the words by J. Greenwood. Greenwood , J.
10056 A psalm of Thanksgiving to be sung by the Children of Christ's Hospital, on Monday and Tuesday in Easter Week, according to ancient custom, for their founders and benefactors: the words by the Reverend Arthur William Trollope, D.D : the music by R. Glenn. Trollope , Arthur William
13440 A psalm of Thanksgiving to be sung by the Children of Christ's Hospital, on Monday and Tuesday in Easter Week, according to ancient custom, for their founders and benefactors: the words by the Reverend Arthur William Trollope, D.D : the music by R. Glenn. Trollope , Arthur William
13095 A short description of two sets of alphabetical cuts of birds. By the author of The rational dame. Part I. Fenn , Ellenor
13096 A short history of reptiles (extracted from works of credit) designed as an introduction to the study of that branch of natural history and as a pocket companion to those who visit museums. Fenn , Ellenor
13097 A short history of reptiles, found in the British islands. To which is added a brief account of crustaceous animals. Fenn , Ellenor
13219 A sketch of my friend's family, intended to suggest some practical hints on religion and domestic manners. By Mrs. Marshall, author of Henwick tales. Marshall , Catherine
13220 A sketch of my friend's family, intended to suggest some practical hints on religion and domestic manners. By Mrs. Marshall, author of Henwick tales. Marshall , Catherine
5324 A song for the independent burgesses of Newcastle by a lady. Unknown , [Woman]
s.n. [sine nomine]
22528 A song in the Lucky Younger Brother Or the Beau Defeated set by Mr. John Eccles, sung by Mrs. Willis, and exactly engrav'd by Tho: Cross. Pix , Mary
Thomas Cross (London)
13098 A systematical arrangement of the animal kingdom; designed to supply a pocket volume for those who visit museums, and to enable ladies to introduce their children to the study of that branch of natural history. Fenn , Ellenor
23511 A tale of a tarr. A new ballad. Unknown ,
Abigail (Ann) Baldwin [Warwick Lane] (London)
17446 A tribute of respect to the memory of Miss Hannah Bull. By a female friend. Unknown , [Woman]