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Chandler, William. A journal of the survey of the Narragansett Bay, and parts adjacent, taken in the month's of May and June, A.D. 1741. By order of the Honourable Court of Commissioners appointed by his majesty King George the Second. Poetically described by one of the surveyors.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 24640, Accessed 2024-09-07.

@book{ wphp_24640
  title={A journal of the survey of the Narragansett Bay, and parts adjacent, taken in the month's of May and June, A.D. 1741. By order of the Honourable Court of Commissioners appointed by his majesty King George the Second. Poetically described by one of the surveyors.},
  address={Newport},    }

Suggestions and Comments for A journal of the survey of the Narragansett Bay, and parts adjacent, taken in the month's of May and June, A.D. 1741. By order of the Honourable Court of Commissioners appointed by his majesty King George the Second. Poetically described by one of the surveyors.
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