Name Quarto
Abbreviation 4to

Each sheet is folded twice to make four leaves and eight pages. 


Displaying 426–450 of 703

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
10128 Poems by the late George-Monck Berkeley, Esq. LL. B. F. S.S. A. With a preface by the editor, consisting of some anecdotes of Mr. Monck Berkeley and several of his friends. Berkeley , George Monck
22238 Poems on several occasions: by Mrs Jane Brereton. With letters to her friends, and an account of her life. Brereton , Jane
6820 Poems on several occasions. By a lady. Letches , Mrs.
5793 Poems on several occasions. By Maria Logan. Logan , Maria
5792 Poems on several occasions. By Maria Logan. Second edition. Logan , Maria
1793 Second edition.
5806 Poems on several occasions. By Maria Logan. Second edition. Logan , Maria
1793 Second edition.
5807 Poems on several occasions. By Maria Logan. Second edition. Logan , Maria
1793 Second edition.
2411 Poems on several occasions. Written by Catherine Livingston. Livingston , Catherine
1770 Poems on various subjects, by Ann Yearsley, Milkwoman of Clifton, near Bristol; being her second work. Yearsley , Ann
9544 Poems on Various Subjects. By Ann Murry, Author of Mentoria. Murry , Ann
9545 Poems on Various Subjects. By Ann Murry, Author of Mentoria. The second edition. Murry , Ann
1779 The second edition.
3269 Poems on various subjects. By Eliza Knipe, of Manchester. Cobbold , Elizabeth
3000 Poems on various subjects. By Eliza Reeves. Dedicated (by permission) to His Grace the Duke of Manchester. Reeves , Eliza
3003 Poems on various subjects. By Miss Eliza Thompson. Thompson , Eliza
3643 Poems on various subjects. By Mrs. Gooch. Gooch , Elizabeth Sarah Villa-Real
11655 Poems, &c. Dedicated to Miss Ann Henderson. A tribute to gratitude and friendship. By a lady, the author of the hubble-shue. Subscriber names to be published under another number. Stewart , Miss
s.n. [sine nomine]
5295 Poems, &c. written by a lady, in the year 1783 or 1784. An address to the people called Quakers. An address to those in power, in Behalf of Insolvent debtors. Friendship: An Allegory. An Enigma, in French and English. Unknown , [Woman]
208 Poems, by Anne Bannerman. A New Edition. Bannerman , Anne
1807 A New Edition.
312 Poems, by Felicia Dorothea Browne. Hemans , Felicia
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
7628 Poems, by Susanna. , Susanna
Charles Dilly (London)
7638 Poems, dedicated, by permission, to The Right Honourable the Countess Fitzwilliam. By S. Pearson. Pearson , Susanna
9548 Poems, on several occasions. By Ann Yearsley, a milkwoman of Bristol. Yearsley , Ann
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
9549 Poems, on several occasions. By Ann Yearsley, a Milkwoman of Bristol. The second edition. Yearsley , Ann
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
1785 The second edition.
9547 Poems, on Various Subjects, by Mrs. Ann Thomas, of Millbrook, Cornwall, An Officer's Widow of the Royal Navy. Thomas , Ann
14464 Poems, Suggested Chiefly by Scenes in Asia-Minor, Syria, and Greece, with Prefaces, Extracted from the Author's Journal. Embellished with Two Views of the Source of the Scamander, and the Aquaduct over the Simois. By the Late J.D. Carlyle, B.D. F.R.S.E. Chancellor of Carlisle, Vicar of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge, and Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Durham. Carlyle , Joseph Dacre
John White [Fleet Street] (London)