Geoname ID 12213606
Name Hudson, NY
Titles 10
Firms 6
People Born: 0, Died: 1


Displaying 1–10 of 10

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
16200 A Real Treasure for a Pious Mind. Compiled by a Lady of Connecticut. From the Collections and Writings of the Countess of Huntingdon, Mrs. Rowe, Miss Harvey, Dr. Watts, Mr. Perin, Mr. Smith, and Others. Hastings , Selina
Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
Harvey , Miss
Watts , Isaac
Perin , Mr.
Smith , Mr.
Ashbel Stoddard (Hudson, NY)
15387 A Series of letters on courtship and marriage. : To which are added. Witherspoon's Letters on marriage.--Swift's Letter to a newly married lady, Mr. Piozzi's Letter to a gentleman newly married, &c. &c. Piozzi , Hester Lynch Thrale
Cotton , Nathaniel
Franklin , Benjamin
Swift , Jonathan
Witherspoon , John
Nugent , Mr.
Ashbel Stoddard (Hudson, NY)
16228 A Series of Letters on Courtship and Marriage. To Which are Added. Witherspoon's Letters on Marriage.—Swift's Letter to a Newly Married Lady, Mr. Piozzi's Letter to a Gentleman Newly Married, &c. &c. Franklin , Benjamin
Witherspoon , John
Swift , Jonathan
Piozzi , Hester Lynch Thrale
Cotton , Nathaniel
Craggs-Nugent , Robert
19426 The history of Charlotte Temple. A tale of truth. By Mrs. Rawson, Author of Victoria, the Inquisitor, Fille de Chambre, &c. Two volumes in one. Rowson , Susanna
Hezekiah Steele (Hudson, NY)
19427 The history of Charlotte Temple. A tale of truth. By Mrs. Rowson, Author of Victoria, The Inquisitor, Fille de Chambre, &c. In two volumes. Rowson , Susanna
19428 The history of Charlotte Temple. A tale of truth. By Mrs. Rowson, Author of Victoria, The Inquisitor, Fille de Chambre, &c. In two volumes. Rowson , Susanna
17569 The history of the Duchess of C--. From Adela and Theodore. Written by herself. To which is added, Edwin and Angelina, a ballad. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité
Griffith , Elizabeth
Goldsmith , Oliver
16346 The love of praise, and the love of virtue. By an American lady. Unknown , [Woman]
William E. Norman (Hudson, NY)
18195 The search after happiness, a pastoral drama; from the poetry of Miss Moore. By a lady in Connecticut. Unknown , [Woman]
More , Hannah
17333 Three Stories for Young Children: 1. The Little Dog Trusty. 2. The Orange Man. 3. The Cherry Orchard. By Maria Edgeworth. Edgeworth , Maria
Solomon Wilbur, Jun. (Hudson, NY)