Geoname ID 2640729
Name Oxford
Titles 21
Firms 20
People Born: 3, Died: 5


Displaying 1–20 of 20

ID Name Street Address City Start Date End Date
7459 Anthony Peisley Near St Mary's Church Oxford (GB) 1969 1969
677 Bartlett and Hinton Oxford (GB)
972 Daniel Prince Oxford (GB) 1969
2297 Haldon and Lowndes 65 Corn Market Street Oxford (GB) 1969
2376 Hanwell and Parker Oxford (GB) 1969 1969
3491 J. Bartlett [printer] Oxford (GB)
1157 J. Parker [Oxford] Oxford (GB)
2160 James Fletcher [Oxford] The Turl Oxford (GB) 1969 1969
1190 John Cooke [Oxford] Oxford (GB)
7458 Leonard Litchfield III Oxford (GB) 1969 1969
8346 Mary Fletcher Ave-Mary Lane Oxford (GB)
1993 N. Bliss Oxford (GB)
1731 R. Pearson High Street Oxford (GB) 1969 1969
427 R. Slatter Queen Street Oxford (GB) 1969 1969
1191 Richard Bliss Oxford (GB)
7443 Richard Clements Oxford (GB) 1969 1969
3460 S. and J. Collingwood Oxford (GB) 1969 1969
4230 S. Arnold in the High Street Oxford (GB) 1969 1969
1733 William Baxter Oxford (GB) 1969 1969
7498 William Wells High Street Oxford (GB) 1969 1969