Geoname ID 2643743
Name London
Titles 11832
Firms 3332
People Born: 280, Died: 389


Displaying 526–550 of 11796

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
6181 A letter to Mons. H. L. de la Fléchère, assessor ballival of Nyon, in the canton of Berne, Switzerland, on the death of his brother, the Reverend John William de la Fléchère, twenty-five years vicar of Madeley, Shropshire. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
6483 A letter to Mons. H. L. de la Fléchère, Assessor Ballival of Nyon, in the Canton of Berne, Switzerland, on the death of his brother, the Reverend John William de la Fléchère, twenty-five years vicar of Madeley, Shropshire. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
25519 A letter to Mr G-------k, Relative to His treble Capacity of Manager, Actor, and Author; With some Remarks on Lethe. Unknown ,
23698 A letter to Mr. John Gay, on his tragedy, call'd, The captives. To which is annex'd, A copy of verses to her Royal Highness, the Princess. By Elizabeth Harrison. Harrison , Elizabeth
25936 A letter to Sir Humphry Mackworth, Relating To his proposal for Payment of the Publick Debts, &c. and concerning the Long and Short Annuitants, with an Answer thereto. Together With a brief reply to a late Pamphlet, Entituled, An essay for Establishing a New Parliament Money, as far as it relates to the Scheme of Sir Humphry Mackworth. By Philo Regis et Patriae. Unknown ,
25705 A letter to Sir John Eyles, Bart. sub-governour of the South-Sea company, occasioned by the debates at the last general court. D. , S.
John Brotherton (Cornhill)
25449 A letter to Sir W-m Wm, upon the intended application to Parliament for repealing the Corporation and Test Acts. By a modern Tory. Unknown ,
Anne Dodd I (London)
25865 A letter to Sr. John Eyles, Bart. sub-governour of the South-Sea Company, occasioned by the debates at the last general court. The second edition, corrected. D. , S.
John Brotherton (Cornhill)
1732 The second edition, corrected.
22509 A letter to Staffordshire, occasioned by the dissenters complaint of their persecution. Povey , Mercy
25247 A letter to the author of a late pamphlet, ironically intitled, Mr. Leslie's defence from some erroneous and dangerous principles, &c. By Matthias Earbery, Presbyter of the Church of England Earbery , Matthias
Nathaniel Mist (London)
25280 A letter to the author of the enthusiasm of methodists and papists compar'd Wesley , John
25222 A letter to the author of the London journal; containing objections against the present scheme, to empower the three great companies to take in part of the publick debts. With A Just Calculation of the Value of a 100 l. Capital, when divided among the said Companies. To which is added, An equitable Proposal for Restoring of Publick Credit. Unknown ,
25375 A letter to the Bishop of Salisbury, occasion'd by his son's letter to the Earl of Hallifax. Containing a fair state of the case of the late ministry, and a full answer to all Mr. Burnet's arguments for an impeachment. By a good friend to the late Ministers. Burgess , Daniel
Anne Dodd I (London)
22428 A letter to the committee of the honourable House of Commons, upon the African trade. Blaney , Jo
25362 A letter to the detector of the pretended falshoods, &c. in The life of Sir Robert Cochran. Containing many curious anecdotes relating to that great minister, never before published. Unknown ,
Anne Dodd I (London)
26174 A letter to the Earl of O----d, directing him how to make his peace, and obtain his pardon. Unknown ,
25553 A letter to the free-holders of Great-Britain; Occasion'd by the cry of the Danger of the Church. Unknown ,
John Harrison (Cornhill)
Anne Dodd I (London)
25161 A letter to the heads of the University of Oxford, on a late very remarkable affair. Unknown ,
25882 A letter to the Honourable Spencer Compton, Esq; Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons. Unknown ,
13756 A letter to the King of *****. By an Englishman; Not a member of the House of Commons. Unknown , [Man]
Ann and Charles Corbett (London)
25692 A letter to the merchants and tradesmen of Great Britain, particularly to those of London and Bristol; upon their late glorious behaviour and happy success, in opposing the extension of the excise-laws: with a few seasonable cautions. And something more, which it is hope will be agreeable to every true Englishman. By Eustace Budgell, Esq; Budgell , Eustace
Samuel Tuckey (London)
20 A Letter to the President and Members of the Geological Society, in answer to certain observations contained in Mr. Greenough's Anniversary address of 1834. By Mrs. Callcott. Graham , Maria
25620 A letter to the proprietors of the South-Sea Company. With a dedication to George Heathcote, Esq; Member of Parliament for the Borough of Southwark, and Alderman of the City of London. By Richard Coope, one of the late South-Sea directors. Coope , Richard
Anne Dodd I (London)
Anne Dodd II (London)
25947 A letter to the proprietors of the South-Sea Company. With a dedication to George Heathcote, Esq; Member of Parliament for the Borough of Southwark, and Alderman of the City of London. By Richard Coope, One of the late South-Sea Directors. The second edition. Coope , Richard
Anne Dodd I (London)
Anne Dodd II (London)
1739 The second edition.
25978 A letter to the proprietors of the South-Sea stock. Shewing what will be the most easy and effectual method to discharge their present bond debt, without prejudice to their capital stock. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)