Geoname ID 2654675
Name Bristol
Titles 98
Firms 77
People Born: 23, Died: 18


Displaying 51–75 of 97

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
769 Manual of la mère Agnès; or, A gift from an abbess to her nuns Schimmelpenninck , Mary Anne
12282 Memoir of the Life of Lieutenant-Colonel Vassall Holford , Margaret (the younger)
2177 Miscellaneous pieces, in verse and prose, by Theodosia. Steele , Anne
13214 Parental instruction, in familiar dialogues: intended principally for children of the Society of Friends. Rees , Charlotte
10129 Patient Griselda. A Tale. From the Italian of Bocaccio Sotheby , Eliza
10322 Pizarro, or, The conquest of Peru. As related by a father to his children and designed for the instruction of youth. Translated from the German of J.H. Campe by Elizabeth Helme. A new edition. Campe , Joachim Heinrich
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (London)
1819 A new edition
6820 Poems on several occasions. By a lady. Letches , Mrs.
2139 Poems on subjects chiefly devotional. In two volumes. A new edition. To which is added, a third volume, consisting of miscellaneous pieces. By Theodosia. Steele , Anne
1780 new
4809 Poems on various subjects, entertaining, elegiac, and religious, by Miss Cave, now Mrs. Winscom. The fourth edition, corrected and improved, with many additional poems, never before published. Cave , Jane
1794 The fourth edition, corrected and improved, with many additional poems, never before published.
4810 Poems on various subjects, entertaining, elegiac, and religious. By Miss Cave, now Mrs. Winscom. The fourth edition, corrected and improved, with many additional poems, never before published. Cave , Jane
1795 The fourth edition, corrected and improved
4802 Poems on various subjects, entertaining, elegiac, and religious. With a few select poems from other authors. By Miss Cave. Now Mrs. W----. Cave , Jane
10838 Poems, on Various Occasions. By Elizabeth Bath. Bath , Elizabeth
25751 Primitive physick: or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases. The Fifth Edition, corrected and enlarged. Wesley , John
1755 The Fifth Edition, corrected and enlarged.
25752 Primitive physick: or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases. The Second Edition, Inlarged. Wesley , John
1750 The Second Edition, Inlarged.
6756 Prose and poetry, on religious, moral, and entertaining subjects, with a brief, but authentic, & affecting history of Orenzo and Sarah, from the year 1793 to the present day: by Mrs. Rueful. Rueful , Mrs.
1703 Reflections on the death of Louis XVI. By Ann Yearsley. Yearsley , Ann
1705 Reflections on the death of Louis XVI. By Ann Yearsley. Yearsley , Ann
1513 Scenes In Our Parish. By A “Country Parson’s” Daughter. Holmes , Elizabeth Emra
John Chilcott (Bristol)
13566 Select lessons in prose and verse from various authors, designed for the improvement of youth. To which are added, a few original pieces. By J. N. Unknown ,
1696 Sequel to Reflections on the death of Louis XVI. By Ann Yearsley. Yearsley , Ann
6143 Sermons on the following subjects, viz. I. Friendship. II. Gratitude to God. III. Mercy. IV. Pride. V. Sinful Anger. VI. The Advantages of Early Piety. Vii. The unsearchableness of God's ways, and the Benefits of Afflictive Providence. By Mary Deverell. Deverell , Mary
2459 Sermons, from the following texts, viz. 2 Cor. iv. 8,9,10. Isaiah lxv. 13,14. Exodus xiii. 21,22. Psalm xxxvi. 7,8. Micah vi. 8. By Charlotte Rees, Written before she was Twelve Years of Age. And published for her Benefit. Rees , Charlotte
William Pine and Son (Bristol)
13570 Short hymns on select passages of the Holy Scriptures. By Charles Wesley, M.A. And Presbyter of the Church of England. Wesley , John
3264 Some account of the experience of E. J. Jackson , Elizabeth
7284 Some particulars, relating to The life and death, of Rebecca Scudamore, interspersed with interesting reflexions; together with extracts from divers of her letters; collected by S. Young. Including an account of her own case. Young , Sarah