Geoname ID 2655138
Name Boston
Titles 12
Firms 5
People Born: 2, Died: 0


Displaying 1–12 of 12

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
16290 A view of religions, in two parts. Part I. Containing an alphabetical compendium of the various religious denominations, which have appeared in the world, from the beginning of the Christian era to the present day. Part II. Containing a brief account of the different schemes of religion now embraced among mankind. The whole collected from the best authors, ancient and modern. By Hannah Adams. The second edition, with large additions. Adams , Hannah
1791 The second edition, with large additions.
24551 An account of the life and death of Mrs. Elizabeth Bury, who died, May the 11th 1720. Aged 76. Chiefly collected out of her own diary. Together with her elegy, by the Reverend Dr. Watts. The Fourth Edition, Corrected. Bury , Elizabeth
Watts , Isaac
Daniel Henchman (Boston)
1743 The Fourth Edition, Corrected.
24564 An address to young people, or Warning to them from one among them, yet may be called warning from the dead, given by Mercy Wheeler of Plainfield, a person confined to a bed of languishing for more than five years together. Wheeler , Mercy
s.n. [sine nomine]
24555 An epistle in true love, containing a farewel exhortation to Friends families. Which I desire also may be read in their monthly and quarterly-meetings, throughout this nation of England. Jacob , Elizabeth
15456 Camilla: or, A picture of youth. By the author of Evelina and Cecilia. In three volumes. First Boston Edition. Burney , Frances
Samuel Hall (Boston)
William Spotswood (Boston)
James White & Co. (Boston)
Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer Andrews (Boston)
David West [Marlborough Street] (Boston)
Ebenezer Larkin (Boston)
W. P. and Lemuel Blake (Boston)
John West [Boston] (Boston)
1797 First Boston Edition
15458 Cecilia, or Memoirs of an heiress. By the author of Evelina. Second American Edition, In Three Volumes. Burney , Frances
Joseph Bumstead (Boston)
1803 Second American edition
15232 Mary and Her Cat. Words Not Exceeding Two Syllables. Illustrated with Cuts. Fenwick , Eliza
Munroe and Francis [4 Cornhill] (Boston)
14228 Productions of Mrs. Maria W. Stewart: presented to the First African Baptist Church & Society of the city of Boston. Stewart , Maria W.
Friends of Freedom and Virtue (Boston)
16240 Stories of the Spanish Conquests in America. Designed for the Use of Children. By the Author of 'The Beatitudes,' and 'Lessons Without Books." Vol. I. Sedgwick , Elizabeth Buckminster [Mrs. Charles Sedgwick]
Leonard C. Bowles (Boston)
16350 The Hapless Orphan; or, Innocent Victim of Revenge. A Novel, Founded on Incidents in Real Life. In a Series of Letters from Caroline Francis to Maria B----. In Two Volumes. By an American Lady. Unknown , [Woman]
4154 The search after happiness: a pastoral drama. A new edition. More , Hannah
4155 The search after happiness: a pastoral drama. A new edition. More , Hannah