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Bury, Elizabeth, Watts, Isaac. An account of the life and death of Mrs. Elizabeth Bury, who died, May the 11th 1720. Aged 76. Chiefly collected out of her own diary. Together with her elegy, by the Reverend Dr. Watts. The Fourth Edition, Corrected.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 24551, Accessed 2024-09-07.

@book{ wphp_24551
  author={Bury,Elizabeth and Watts,Isaac},
  title={An account of the life and death of Mrs. Elizabeth Bury, who died, May the 11th 1720. Aged 76. Chiefly collected out of her own diary. Together with her elegy, by the Reverend Dr. Watts. The Fourth Edition, Corrected.},
  publisher={Daniel Henchman \& },
  address={Boston},    }

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