Name Biography

A narrative, account, or anecdote about a specific individual.


Displaying 1–25 of 323

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
42 A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of every Age and Country. By Matilda Betham. Betham , Mary Matilda
Benjamin Crosby and Co. (London)
Thomas Tegg and Castleman (London)
Edmund Lloyd [24 Harley Street] (London)
18868 A Biographical Sketch of Henry Tuke. By Lindley Murray. Murray , Lindley
Richardson , Charlotte
14212 A brief account of the life and family of Miss Jenny Cameron, the reputed mistress of the Pretender's eldest son. Containing many very singular incidents. Unknown ,
William Brien (also Bryan) (Dublin)
18851 A brief account of the life, last sickness, and death, of Robert Mott, also of his daughter, J.B. Mott. Mott , Lydia Philadelphia
William Alexander (York)
18852 A brief account of the life, last sickness, and death, of Robert Mott, son of James and Mary Mott, of Mamaroneck, in the state of New-York. Mott , Lydia Philadelphia
21988 A brief collection of remarkable passages and occurrences relating to the birth, education, life, conversion, travels, services, and deep sufferings of that ancient, eminent, and faithful servant of the Lord, Margaret Fell; but by her second marriage, Margaret Fox. Together with sundry of her epistles, books, and Christian testimonies to friends and others, and also to those in supreme authority, in the several late revolutions of government. Fell , Margaret
24448 A brief history of the voyage of Katharine Evans and Sarah Cheevers, to the island of Malta, Where the Apostle Paul suffer'd Shipwreck. And their Cruel Sufferings in the Inquisition there, for near Four Years; occasion'd by the Malice of the Monks and Friers against them, and their several Conferences with them: And how they came to be Deliver'd from thence and their safe Return Home to England. To which is added, a short relation from George Robinson, of the sufferings which befel him in his journey to Jerusalem: And how he was preserved from the Hands of Cruelty, when the Sentence of Death was passed against him. Evans , Katharine
Cheevers , Sarah
Robinson , George
Jane Sowle (London)
21989 A brief history of the voyage of Katharine Evans and Sarah Cheevers, to the island of Malta, where the apostle Paul suffer'd shipwreck. And their cruel sufferings in the Inquisition there, for near four years; occasion'd by the malice of the monks and friers against them, and their several conferences with them: and how they came to be deliver'd from thence, and their safe return home to England. To which is added, a short relation from George Robinson, of the sufferings which befel him in his journey to Jerusalem; and how he was preserved from the hands of cruelty, when the sentence of death was passed against him. Evans , Katharine
Cheevers , Sarah
1772 A case of great distress. Henry Finlayson, ... Finlayson , Ann
6164 A dialogue between Mrs. Knowles and Dr. Johnson. Knowles , Mary
Johnson , Samuel
Thomas Smart (Huddersfield)
24561 A faithful narrative of the wicked life and remarkable conversion of Patience Boston alias Samson; who was executed at York, in the County of York, July 24th. 1735. for the murder of Benjamin Trot of Falmouth in Casco Bay, a child of about eight years of age, whom she drowned in a well. With a preface by the Reverend Messi. Samuel & Joseph Moody, Pastors of the churches in said town. [Six lines of Scripture texts] Boston , Patience
23021 A fountain of gardens: or, a spiritual diary of the wonderful experiences of a Christian soul, under the conduct of the heavenly wisdom; continued from the year MDCLXXVIII, to the middle of the year MDCLXXXVI. Vol. III. Part. II. By J. Lead. Lead , Jane
25944 A genuine narrative of the memorable life and actions of John Dyer, (who was executed at Tyburn, on Friday the 21st day of November, 1729.) containing, a particular relation of all the notorious and surprising facts by him committed for the Space of Fifteen Years past, as Petty Larcenys, Fellonies, Burglaries, Housebreakings, Shopliftings, Street and Highway-Robberies, Rapes, Cheats, &c. Wrote by himself, when under condemnation in Newgate, and Publish'd at his Earnest Request, for the Benefit of the Publick, in Order to prevent the Perpetration of the many Villanies which are daily committed In and About this Metropolis. Dyer , John
25536 A genuine narrative of the memorable life and actions of John Everett, who formerly kept the Cock Ale-House in the Old-Bailey; and lately the Tap in the Fleet-Prison, and was executed at Tyburn, on Friday the 20th day of February, 1729-30. To which is added, his humble address (by way of letter) to Mrs. Martha Ellis and Mrs Manly, whom he Robb'd, and for which he was Condemn'd. And likewise his letter to his brother's master, a Chair-Maker, &c. Written by himself when under Condemnation, and in his Cell in Newgate, and Publish'd at his own Request. Everett , John
22138 A granadeer Quaker set in a true light. Being, some remarks on a late scandalous libel, entitul'd, High-Church antipathy to Protestant liberty: or, an abstract of Claridge the Tottenham school-master's case. Cnipperdoling , Jemmy
24045 A legacy, or widow's mite; left by Alice Hayes, to her children and others. Being a brief relation of her life; with an account of some of her dying sayings. The second edition. Hayes , Alice
1749 The second edition.
23912 A legacy, or widow's mite; left by Alice Hayes, to her children and others. With an account of some of her dying sayings. Hayes , Alice
25362 A letter to the detector of the pretended falshoods, &c. in The life of Sir Robert Cochran. Containing many curious anecdotes relating to that great minister, never before published. Unknown ,
Anne Dodd I (London)
25907 A narrative of the barbarous and unheard of murder of Mr. John Hayes, by Catherine his wife, Thomas Billings, and Thomas Wood, on the 1st of March at night. ... To which is prefix'd, their true and exact effigies, drawn from the life, and curiously engraved on copper. Published with the approbation of the relations and friends of the said Mr. John Hayes. Unknown ,
1726 The Second Edition.
23899 A narrative of the life and death of Edward Chester, by his wife Elizabeth Chester. Chester , Elizabeth
2422 A narrative of the life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke, (youngest daughter of Colley Cibber, Esq;) Containing, I. An Account of her Birth, Education, and mad Pranks committed in her Youth. II. Her coming on the Stage; Success there; and sundry Theatrical Anecdotes. III. Her Marriage to Mr. Charke, and its Consequences. IV. Her Adventures in Mens Cloaths, and being belov'd by a Lady of great Fortune, who intended to marry her. V. Her being Gentleman to a certain Peer. VI. Her commencing Scrolling - Player; with various and surprizing Vicissitudes of Fortune, during nine Years Peregrination. VII. Her turning Pastry Cook, &c. in Wales. With several extremely humourous and interesting Occurrences. written by herself. Charke , Charlotte
William Reeve (London)
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook] (London)
Anne Dodd II (London)
2437 A narrative of the life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke, (youngest Daughter of Colley Cibber, Esq;) Containing, I. An Account of her Birth, Education, and mad Pranks committed in her Youth. II. Her coming on the Stage; Success there; and sundry Theatrical Anecdotes. III. Her Marriage to Mr. Charke, and its Consequences. IV. Her Adventures in Mens Cloaths, and being belov'd by a Lady of great Fortune, who intended to marry her. V. Her being Gentleman to a certain Peer. VI. Her commencing Strolling - Player; with various and surprizing Vicissitudes of Fortune, during nine Years Peregrination. VII. Her turning Pastry Cook, &c. in Wales. With several extremely humourous and interesting Occurrences. Written by herself. The Second Edition. Charke , Charlotte
William Reeve (London)
1759 The Second Edition.
2450 A narrative of the life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke, (youngest daughter of Colley Cibber, Esq;) Containing, I. An Account of her Birth, Education, and mad Pranks committed in her Youth. II. Her coming on the Stage; Success there; and sundry Theatrical Anecdotes. III. Her Marriage to Mr. Charks, and its Consequences. IV. Her Adventures in Mens Cloaths, going by the Name of Mr. Brown, and being belov'd by a Lady of great Fortune, who intended to marry her. V. Her being Gentleman to a certain Peer. VI. Her commencing Scrolling - Player; with various and surprizing vicissirudes [sic] of Fortune, during nine Years Peregrination. VII. Her turning Pastry Cook, &c. in Wales. With several extremely humourons [sic] and interesting Occarrences [sic]. Written by herself. The Second Edition. Charke , Charlotte
William Reeve (London)
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook] (London)
Anne Dodd II (London)
1755 The Second Edition.
5601 A narrative of the sufferings of Louise Francoise de Houssay, de Bannes, who served in the army as a volunteer, from 1792, to July 21, 1795; when she was made a prisoner at Quiberon, with her examination at Vannes, from whence she made her escape, the day before that which was appointed for her execution. Translated from the manuscript of the author. de Bannes , Louise Françoise de Houssay
15078 A new biographical dictionary; or, pocket compendium: containing a brief account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every age and nation. Jones , Stephen
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
James Wallis [19 Paternoster Row] (London)
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
James Scatcherd (London)