Name Biography

A narrative, account, or anecdote about a specific individual.


Displaying 26–50 of 323

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
15010 A new biographical dictionary: containing a brief account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons and remarkable characters in every age and nation. By Stephen Jones. Jones , Stephen
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
James Wallis [Ivy Lane] (London)
James Scatcherd (London)
1799 The third edition, corrected: with very considerable additions.
15048 A new biographical dictionary: containing a brief account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons and remarkable characters in every age and nation. By Stephen Jones. Jones , Stephen
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
James Wallis [46 Paternoster Row] (London)
James Scatcherd (London)
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
1796 The second edition, corrected: with considerable additions and improvements.
1831 A short account of the experience of Mrs. H. A. Rogers. Written by herself. With a brief extract from her diary. Rogers , Hester Ann
s.n. [sine nomine]
13133 A Short Account of the experience of Mrs. H. A. Rogers. Written by herself. With a brief extract from her diary. Rogers , Hester Ann
Robert Napper (Dublin)
19263 A short account of the experience of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers, written by herself. With a brief extract from her diary: to which are now added, her Spiritual letters. Rogers , Hester Ann
Coke , Thomas
Rogers , James
Unknown , [Woman]
Bulmer , Agnes
Daniel Hitt and Thomas Ware (New York)
19264 A short account of the experience of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers. Written by herself. With a brief extract from her diary. Rogers , Hester Ann
Coke , Thomas
Rogers , James
19265 A short account of the experience of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers. Written by herself. With a brief extract from her diary. Rogers , Hester Ann
Coke , Thomas
Rogers , James
Ezekiel Cooper and John Wilson (New York)
19261 A short account of the experience of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers. Written by herself. With a brief extract from her diary. To which are now added, her Spiritual letters. Rogers , Hester Ann
Coke , Thomas
Unknown , [Woman]
Bulmer , Agnes
Daniel Hitt (New York City)
19262 A short account of the experience of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers. Written by herself. With a brief extract from her diary. To which are now added, her Spiritual letters. Rogers , Hester Ann
Coke , Thomas
Unknown , [Woman]
Bulmer , Agnes
Daniel Hitt and Thomas Ware (New York)
3425 A short account of the last sickness and death of the Rev. Mr. Wesley, M.A. late fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford. Who died on Wednesday morning, March 2, 1791, aged 88. Ritchie , Elizabeth
s.n. [sine nomine]
16620 A short account of the life and religious labours of Patience Brayton, late of Swansey, in the state of Massachusetts. Mostly selected from her own minutes. Brayton , Patience
16621 A short account of the life and religious labours of Patience Brayton, late of Swansey, in the state of Massachusetts. Mostly selected from her own minutes. Brayton , Patience
16622 A short account of the life and religious labours of Patience Brayton, late of Swansey, in the state of Massachusetts. Mostly selected from her own minutes. Brayton , Patience
2146 A short account of the life and virtues of the venerable and religious Mother, Mary of the Holy Cross, abbess of the English Poor Clares at Rouen; Who died there in the sweet Odour of Sanctity, March 21, Anno 1735. By A. B. Bedingfield , Anne
s.n. [sine nomine]
25812 A short character of the late M-----s of W------n. Together with an account of some smaller facts, during his g-------t in I--------d, which would scarce have reach'd to an impeachment. Extracted from an Irish manuscript, by the author of the Tale of a tub. Swift , Jonathan
17444 A short narrative of the sickness, religious exercises, and death of Sally Fuller, of Sandisfield, (Mass.) who died June 3d, 1812, in the 17th year of her age. Together with a poem on her death. By a female friend. Unknown , [Woman]
17445 A short narrative of the sickness, religious exercises, and death of Sally Fuller, of Sandisfield, (Mass.) who died June 3d, 1812, in the 17th year of her age. Together with a poem on her death. By a female friend. Unknown , [Woman]
Benjamin Cole (Brattleboro)
25153 A true account of the life and writings of Thomas Burnett, Esq; Sewell , George
Anne Dodd I (London)
25154 A true account of the life and writings of Thomas Burnett, Esq; The Second Edition. Sewell , George
Anne Dodd I (London)
1715 The Second Edition.
14870 A true narrative of what pass’d at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard, at the Cock-Pit, the 8th of March, 1710-11. His stabbing Mr. Harley, and other precedent and subsequent facts, relating to the life of the said Guiscard. Manley , Delarivier
John Morphew (London)
14869 A true narrative of what pass’d at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard, at the Cock-Pit, the 8th of March, 1710/11. His stabbing Mr. Harley, and other precedent and subsequent facts, relating to the life of the said Guiscard. Manley , Delarivier
John Morphew (London)
244 A Visit to My Birthplace Bunbury , Selina
449 Absenteeism Owenson , Sydney
Henry Colburn [New Burlington Street] (London)
3185 Advertisement. As many friends have desired an immediate account of the circumstances relative to the departure of the Late Rev. Mr. Wesley, the following short but authentic narrative has been drawn up compliance with their request. New-Chapel, City-Road, March 8, 1791. Ritchie , Elizabeth
s.n. [sine nomine]
632 African Lessons: Wolof and English Kilham , Hannah