ID 1211
Name William Owen
Gender Male
Street Address 11, Homer's Head, Fleet Street; Homer's Head near Temple Bar
City London
Start Date 1748
End Date 1798
Sources British Book Trade Index 51756
Related People Owen, William


Displaying 1–25 of 47

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller The fool: being a collection of essays and epistles, moral, political, humourous, and entertaining. Published in the Daily Gazetteer. With the author's preface, and a complete index. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 8 more.
Bookseller The informer's winding-sheet: or, Nine oaths for a shilling. Being a parable, in five allegorical discourses: on I. St. Paul's treatment and apology, on a charge of preaching against the government. II. Gallio's prohibiting the prosecution of St. Paul, for words; and a sketch of words accused, in a manuscript paper, privately handed about the public, answered. III. The liberty of one Protestant dissenter's preaching in his own way, asserted; proving the words were for the government: and a reply to the censure of indecent or light expressions, pretense of religion, ridiculing religion, wicked purpose, sedition, treason, blasphemy, disorder, &c. IV. The justice's and counsellor's Vade-Mecum, a disquisition on false witness, by the laws of God, nature, nations, philosophy, the civil, canon, and common laws; and the validity or nullity of evidence of words decided. V. The right to free speaking and reasoning in all lights, on trustees of government, no sedition, but one weight in the people's choice on occasion between in English free Protestant authority, and a supposed French popish dominion: and sedition defin'd. By Sir Mawdcope Moreclarke, of Hull, in Coates's rents, Garrn-Street, opposite the sign of the seven affidavits. Henley , John (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 4 more.
Printer The fool: being a collection of essays and epistles, moral, political, humourous, and entertaining. Published in the Daily Gazetteer. With the author's preface, and a complete index. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 8 more.
Publisher Remarks on an appeal to the publick, by Mr. Cleland, against thirteen govenors of the General Hospital at Bath; with respect to their suspending and dismissing him from his Office, as surgeon to the said Hospital, upon the evidence of two notorious prostitutes. And on A Letter to him, (from a Reverend Advocate for the Thirteen Governors) occasioned by his Full Vindication of the said Appeal. To which is added Extracts from the Case of Seduction, relating to a French Abbee's committing Rapes upon 133 Virgins in order to shew the Analogy of the partial Proceedings against Mr. Cleland and the said Abbee. Unknown , (Author)
Amey , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher Queen Tragedy restor'd: a dramatick entertainment. Hoper , Mrs. (Author)
Publisher The works of the Marchioness de Lambert. Containing advice to a son and a daughter. Treatises on friendship and old age. Reflections on the fair sex, taste and riches. With a number of genuine letters ... and several other pieces never before printed. Containing thoughts on ... education, on the writings of Homer, and on various publick eventss of the time. Carefully translated from the French. de Courcelles , Anne Thérèse de Marguenat (Author)
Bookseller An appendix to the Reverend Mr. John Shower's Practical reflections on the earthquakes that have happened in Europe and America, &c. Being a continuation of his account, and Practical Reflections, after his Manner, from the year 1693, down to these last shocks that were felt at London and Westminster, on February 8th and March 8th, 1749-50, with an Application, adapted to the present times, &c. Shower , John (Author)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
James , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 3 more.
Bookseller Plain and familiar instructions on ruptures, Designed for the Use of the female sex: In which are given distinct notions of these maladies, and The most proper Means of curing them: Together with Accurate Rules and Directions on the Use and Application of trusses. By Mademoiselle Guiton, Surgeon of Paris. Guiton , Mademoiselle (Author)
Bookseller Popish intrigues and cruelty plainly exemplified, in the affecting case and narrative of Mrs. Frances Shaftoe. Containing an account of her being eleven months in Sir Theophilus Oglethorpe's family; where hearing, ... that the pretended Prince of Wales was Sir Theophilus's son, she was trick'd into France ... The third edition. Shaftoe , Frances (Author)
Bookseller Practical reflections on the earthquakes that have happened in Europe and America, but chiefly in the islands of Jamaica, England, Sicily, Malta, &c. With a particular and historical account of them, and divers other earthquakes. By John Shower, D.D. Shower , John (Author)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
James , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 3 more.
Bookseller Practical reflections on the earthquakes that have happened in Europe and America, but chiefly in the islands of Jamaica, England, Sicily, Malta, &c. With a particular and historical account of them, and divers other earthquakes. By John Shower. The Second Edition. Shower , John (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Kingman , Mary (Bookseller)
and 3 more.
Publisher A present for women addicted to drinking. Adapted to all the different stations of life, from a lady of quality to a common servant. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher Remarks on Mrs. Muilman's letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of Chesterfield. In a letter to Mrs. Muilman. By a Lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher Remarks on Mrs. Muilman's letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of Chesterfield. In a letter to Mrs. Muilman. By a Lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher A letter from Amelia to the inspector. Amelia , (Author)
Bookseller Genuine letters that pass'd between Miss Blandy and Miss Jeffries, before and after conviction. Blandy , Mary (Author)
Publisher Maxims and cautions for the ladies. Being a complete oeconomy for the female sex. In five parts, viz. I. On courtship. II. Management of a husband. III. Intrigues and diversions. IV. On separation or divorce. V. On widowhood and second marriages. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher The Life of Patty Saunders. Written by herself. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Bookseller A full and authentic account of the strange and mysterious affair between Mary Squires a gypsy, and Elizabeth Canning, Who swore that she was robbed, and afterwards confined by the Gypsy, till she was almost starved; for which the Gypsy was condemned to Death, but afterwards received his Majesty's Pardon. With all the particulars of the trial of Elizabeth Canning afterwards, upon an indictment for a false accusation, &c. of the gypsy; which began at the Old Bailey on Monday the 29th of April, 1754, and continued till Tuesday the seventh of May. Canning , Elizabeth (Author)
Printer A full and authentic account of the strange and mysterious affair between Mary Squires a gypsy, and Elizabeth Canning, Who swore that she was robbed, and afterwards confined by the Gypsy, till she was almost starved; for which the Gypsy was condemned to Death, but afterwards received his Majesty's Pardon. With all the particulars of the trial of Elizabeth Canning afterwards, upon an indictment for a false accusation, &c. of the gypsy; which began at the Old Bailey on Monday the 29th of April, 1754, and continued till Tuesday the seventh of May. Canning , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher The Works of the Marchioness de Lambert. Containing advice to a son and a daughter; treatises on friendship and old age; reflections on the fair sex, taste, and riches. With a number of genuine letters that passed between her and the Archbishop of Cambray, author of Talemachus; Mons. Riviere, Madam Tresnel, and other the most eminent persons of the age; and several other pieces never before printed. In which are thoughts on various, entertaining, and useful subjects, reflections on education, on the writings of Homer, and on various publick events of the time. Carefully translated from the French. The Second Edition. de Courcelles , Anne Thérèse de Marguenat (Author)
Bookseller Jemima and Louisa. In which is contain'd, several remarkable incidents relating to two ladies of distinguish'd families and fortunes. In a series of letters. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Bookseller Observations from the law of nature and nations, and the civil law; shewing, That the British Nation have an undoubted Right, during the present War, to seize on all French Property in Neutral Bottoms, and particularly every Thing brought from the French Settlements in America, or carried to them; as likewise, To seize all such Goods carrying to France, that might enable them to carry on the War against Great Britain, or to refuse or delay doing Justice to the British Nation; and shewing, That the Treaty made between England and Holland in 1674, does not intitle the Dutch to any Right to trade to the French Settlements in America. Dedicated To These Ministers, who have protected and enlarged the Commerce of Great Britain, who have made its Fleets Masters of the Sea, and destroyed the Naval Power of France; who have secured to Great Britain the Possession of North America, on which its very Being, as a Maritime Power, depends. Cooper [Publisher] , Mary (Bookseller)
Kingman , Mary (Bookseller)
Unknown , (Author)
Bookseller A dramatick pastoral occasioned by the collection at Glocester on the coronation day, for portioning Young Women of virtuous Characters. By a lady. Thomas , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher The works of the Marchioness de Lambert. A new edition, from the French. In two volumes. de Courcelles , Anne Thérèse de Marguenat (Author)

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"William Owen" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 1211, Accessed 2025-03-26.

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