ID 4034
Name Anne Dodd II
Gender Female
Street Address Sign of the Peacock, without Temple Bar; opposite St. Clement's Church in the Strand
City London
Start Date 1739
End Date 1757
Sources British Book Trade Index 20389 and 20390
Related People Dodd II, Anne
Related Firms Anne Dodd I
Notes Also spelled Dod. These dates represent the work of the younger Anne Dodd, who took over the shop from her mother in 1739; she worked here likely her whole life but documented from 1728.


Displaying 1–25 of 223

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. Cowley , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 6 more.
Bookseller A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. Note, at the End of this Treatise is a General Index of the names, with a Description of the Situations of all the Islands, &c. which are contained in the annexed Chart, distinguished by numerical References to each other. Likewise an Alphabetical Catalogue of the same Names alone, with the like numerical References, the Uses of which are mention'd at the End of the Whole. Cowley , John (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
and 6 more.
Bookseller A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. Note, at the End of this Treatise is a General Index of the names, with a Description of the Situations of all the Islands, &c. which are contained in the annexed Chart, distinguished by numerical References to each other. Likewise an Alphabetical Catalogue of the same Names alone, with the like numerical References, the Uses of which are mention'd at the End of the Whole. Cowley , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Printer)
and 6 more.
Bookseller An ode, Most Humbly Inscrib'd to His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales, on his Birth-Day, Saturday, January 20th, 1738-9. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller Country common-sense. Containing, Numb I. An Introductory Discourse; with the Duty of some Magistrates. Numb. II. An Essay on Publick Spirit; and the Self-Lover arraigned at the Bar of Common-Sense. Numb. III. The Monstrous Tail of the Sheep of Adell, which kills the Body: An Excellent Emblem of a Self killing Nation. Numb IV. Abstracts from a Pamphlet, entitled, Observations on British Wool, &c. with proper Reflections. Numb V. The Importance of the Wollen Trade to this Nation; that our Domestick bad Oeconomy and Vices, are most ruinous to our Trade, and how. Numb VI. That we may preserve our Trade, if we will use the same Means as our Ancestors took to establish it, and which our Rivals take to get it from us; with an effectual Scheme to stop the Running of Wool, without an Excise. Numb VII. A Defence of our Bishops Seats in Parliament; with their particular Duty there. By a Gentleman of Wales. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller Epidemical madness: a poem in imitation of Horace. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller Remarks on the Reverend Mr. Whitefield's journal. Wherein many of his inconsistences [sic] are pointed out, and his tenets consider'd. The Whole shewing the Dangerous Tendency of His Doctrine. Address'd to the Religious Societies. Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 3 more.
Bookseller Taste. An essay. By J. S. D.S.P. The Second Edition. Rollin , Charles (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller Taste. An essay. By J. S. D.S.P. The Second Edition. Rollin , Charles (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller The inspiration of the New Testament asserted: the integrity of the sacred writers vindicated; and the method of salvation by a redeemer confirmed. In answer to a late book of Mr. Chubb's, entitled, The true gospel of Jesus Christ asserted. Humbly offered to Publick Consideration, And in particular to all those who esteem themselves, or are esteemed by others to be Holders forth of New-Light, and Great Proficients in Moral Argument. In a letter to that author. By Phileleutherus Christianus. Broughton , Thomas (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
and 1 more.
Bookseller The Irresistible Fair, a Poem. Humbly Inscrib'd to that Incomparable, and Celebrated Beauty, Miss F--y Be--l. By J. Dodd, Philomathes. Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd , John (Author)
and 1 more.
Bookseller The philosopher's stone; or grand elixir, discover'd by Friar Bacon; and now publish'd as a counterpart to the degradation of gold by an anti-elixir. With a few notes, by no adept. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller The present state of politicks in Europe. With some observations on the present posture of our own affairs. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Dodd II , Anne (Publisher)
Bookseller The tragedy of King Saul. Written by the author of Abra-mule: or, love and empire. The Second Edition. Trapp , Joseph (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Printer)
Dodd II , Anne (Printer)
and 2 more.
Bookseller True Character of the Rev. Mr. Whitefield; In a Letter from a Deist in London, to his Friend in the Country. With some Observations on the Dispute between Dr. Trapp and Mr. Whitefield, and the Behaviour of the Clergy. Likewise the sentiments, manners, &c. of deists, fairly stated by real truths. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
and 3 more.
Bookseller Truth. A counterpart to Mr. Pope’s Essay on man. Epistle the second, Opposing his opinions of Man as an Individual. By Mr. Ayre Ayre , William (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 1 more.
Printer A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. Cowley , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 6 more.
Printer A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. Note, at the End of this Treatise is a General Index of the names, with a Description of the Situations of all the Islands, &c. which are contained in the annexed Chart, distinguished by numerical References to each other. Likewise an Alphabetical Catalogue of the same Names alone, with the like numerical References, the Uses of which are mention'd at the End of the Whole. Cowley , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Printer)
and 6 more.
Printer A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. Note, at the End of this Treatise is a General Index of the names, with a Description of the Situations of all the Islands, &c. which are contained in the annexed Chart, distinguished by numerical References to each other. Likewise an Alphabetical Catalogue of the same Names alone, with the like numerical References, the Uses of which are mention'd at the End of the Whole. Cowley , John (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
and 6 more.
Printer The tragedy of King Saul. Written by the author of Abra-mule: or, love and empire. The Second Edition. Trapp , Joseph (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Printer)
Dodd II , Anne (Printer)
and 2 more.
Publisher A commentary on Mr Pope's principles of morality, or Essay on man. By Mons. Crousaz, ... in answer to a letter of remarks on his Examen, &c. Containing also I. The letter of remarks to Mons. Crousaz. ... V. Some cursory annotations by the translator. de Crousaz , Jean-Pierre (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Dodd II , Anne (Publisher)
and 1 more.
Publisher A letter to the proprietors of the South-Sea Company. With a dedication to George Heathcote, Esq; Member of Parliament for the Borough of Southwark, and Alderman of the City of London. By Richard Coope, one of the late South-Sea directors. Coope , Richard (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Dodd II , Anne (Publisher)
Publisher A letter to the proprietors of the South-Sea Company. With a dedication to George Heathcote, Esq; Member of Parliament for the Borough of Southwark, and Alderman of the City of London. By Richard Coope, One of the late South-Sea Directors. The second edition. Coope , Richard (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Dodd II , Anne (Publisher)
Publisher A proper reply to the anti-over-righteous Dr. Trapp's sermons against Mr. Whitefield; or, the doctrine and conduct of the Reverend Mr. Whitefield, vindicated, From the Aspersions, and malicious Invectives of his Enemies. Humbly submitted to the Consideration of the Publick. The Second Edition. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Dodd II , Anne (Publisher)
Publisher Alberti Schultens Oratio academica in memoriam Hermanni Boerhavii viri summi. Ex decreto rectoris magnifici et Senatus Academici habita die iv. Novembris, An. MDCCXXXVIII. Schultens , Albert (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Dodd II , Anne (Publisher)

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"Anne Dodd II" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 4034, Accessed 2025-03-26.

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