The philosopher's stone; or grand elixir, discover'd by Friar Bacon; and now publish'd as a counterpart to the degradation of gold by an anti-elixir. With a few notes, by no adept.
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Unknown. The philosopher's stone; or grand elixir, discover'd by Friar Bacon; and now publish'd as a counterpart to the degradation of gold by an anti-elixir. With a few notes, by no adept.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 25625, Accessed 2024-11-18.
@book{ wphp_25625 author={Unknown,}, year={1739}, title={The philosopher's stone; or grand elixir, discover'd by Friar Bacon; and now publish'd as a counterpart to the degradation of gold by an anti-elixir. With a few notes, by no adept.}, publisher={}, address={London}, }
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