Geoname ID 4257084
Name Elizabethtown
Titles 5
Firms 2
People Born: 0, Died: 2


Displaying 1–5 of 5

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
14640 A Residence in France, During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794, and 1795; Described in a Series of Letters From an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners. Prepared for the Press by John Gifford, Esq. Author of the History of France, Letter to Lord Lauderdale, Letter to the Hon. T. Erskine, &c. First American Edition. Biggs , Rachel Charlotte
Cornelius Davis [No. 94 Water Street] (New York City)
1798 First American Edition.
15386 A Series of letters on courtship and marriage. To which are added, Witherspoon's letters on marriage.-- Mrs. Piozzi's letter to a gentleman newly married.-- Swift's letter to a newly married lady.-- Marriage, a vision, by Cotton.-- Nugent's epistle to a lady. Piozzi , Hester Lynch Thrale
Cotton , Nathaniel
Franklin , Benjamin
Swift , Jonathan
Witherspoon , John
Nugent , Mr.
16226 A Series of letters on courtship and marriage. To which are added, Witherspoon's letters on marriage.—Mrs. Piozzi's letter to a gentleman newly married.—Swift's letter to a newly married lady.—Marriage, a vision, by Cotton.—Nugent's epistle to a lady. Craggs-Nugent , Robert
Piozzi , Hester Lynch Thrale
Cotton , Nathaniel
Franklin , Benjamin
Swift , Jonathan
Witherspoon , John
16227 A Series of Letters on Courtship and Marriage. To Which are Added, Witherspoon's Letters on Marriage.—Mrs. Piozzi's Letter to a Gentleman Newly Married.—Swift's Letter to a Newly Married Lady.—Marriage, a Vision, by Cotton.—Nugent's Epistle to a Lady. Craggs-Nugent , Robert
Piozzi , Hester Lynch Thrale
Cotton , Nathaniel
Franklin , Benjamin
Witherspoon , John
19297 Devout exercises of the heart, in meditation and soliloquy, prayer and praise. By the late pious and ingenious Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. Reviewed and published, at her request, by I. Watts, D.D. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer