Geoname ID 4835797
Name Hartford
Titles 64
Firms 22
People Born: 3, Died: 7


Displaying 26–50 of 64

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
14246 Poems on Various Subjects, religious and moral. By Phillis Wheatley, negro servant to the late Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston. Wheatley Peters , Phillis
18646 Practical piety; or, The influence of the religion of the heart on the conduct of the life. By Hannah More. More , Hannah
Peter B. Gleason & Co. (Hartford)
Oliver Dudley Cooke (Hartford)
20133 Rhymes for the nursery. By the authors of "Original poems." A new edition, from a London copy. Taylor (later Gilbert) , Ann
Taylor , Jane
1813 A new edition, from a London copy.
20467 Sermons to children. To which are added short hymns, suited to the subjects. By a lady. Wilkinson , Rebecca
Lincoln and Gleason (Hartford)
18736 Strictures on the modern system of female education. With a view of the principles and conduct prevalent among women of rank and fortune. By Hannah More. In two volumes. More , Hannah
Oliver D. and I. Cooke (Hartford)
17398 The affecting history of the children in the wood by Clary English. English , Clara
George Goodwin & Sons (Hartford)
17395 The affecting history of the children in the wood. By Clara English. English , Clara
Hale & Hosmer [Hartford] (Hartford)
17396 The affecting history of the children in the wood. By Clara English. English , Clara
19893 The ambitious shepherd. A moral story, for youth. By Eliza Sumerville. To which is added, several entertaining stories for the instruction & amusement of all good children. Somerville , Elizabeth
15558 The blind child, or Anecdotes of the Wyndham family, Written for the use of young people. By a lady. Pinchard , Elizabeth Sibthorpe
16345 The Christian Character Exemplified, from the Papers of Mrs. Margaret Magdalen A.......s, Late Wife of Mr. Frederick Charles A.....s, of Goodman Fields. Selected and Revised by John Newton, Rector of St. Mary, Woolnoth. Althens , Margaret Magdalen
Oliver Dudley Cooke (Hartford)
19464 The experienced American housekeeper, or Domestic cookery: formed on principles of economy for the use of private families. Rundell , Maria Eliza Ketelby
Silas Andrus (Hartford)
19465 The experienced American housekeeper, or Domestic cookery: formed on principles of economy for the use of private families. Rundell , Maria Eliza Ketelby
Silas Andrus (Hartford)
19466 The experienced American housekeeper, or Domestic cookery: formed on principles of economy for the use of private families. Rundell , Maria Eliza Ketelby
Andrus and Judd (Hartford)
19467 The experienced American housekeeper, or Domestic cookery: formed on principles of economy for the use of private families. Rundell , Maria Eliza Ketelby
Andrus and Judd (Hartford)
19468 The experienced American housekeeper, or Domestic cookery: formed on principles of economy for the use of private families. Rundell , Maria Eliza Ketelby
Judd, Loomis & Co. (Hartford)
16010 The famous history of Whittington and his cat. Shewing, how, from a poor country boy, destitute of parents or relations, he attained great riches, and was promoted to the high and honorable dignity of Lord Mayor of London. Ornamented with cuts Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Unknown ,
16011 The famous history of Whittington and his cat. Shewing, how, from a poor country boy, destitute of parents or relations, he attained great riches, and was promoted to the high and honorable dignity of Lord Mayor of London. Ornamented with cuts Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Unknown ,
17766 The friendly instructor; or, A companion for young ladies, and young gentlemen: in which their duty to God and their parents, their carriage to superiors and inferiors, and several other very useful and instructive lessons are recommended in plain and familiar dialogues. By a pious lady. Recommended by the Rev. P. Doddridge, D.D. The first Hartford, from the fifth London edition. Harrison , Elizabeth
1807 The first Hartford, from the fifth London edition.
18111 The history of a great many little boys & girls, for the amusement of all good children of four and five years of age. Kilner , Dorothy
19431 The history of Charlotte Temple. Founded on fact. By Mrs. Rowson, Author of Victoria, the Inquisitor, Fille de Chambre, &c. In two volumes. Rowson , Susanna
16035 The history of Donna Elvira de Zuares. In the following beautiful history, are depicted in the most striking colours, the advantages of patience and resignation; the whole, founded on fact, is admirably calculated to inspire a confidence in Divine Providence, that however trying and overwhelming our present afflictions may be, by the exertion of the virtues delegated to us, we have a right to look forward with certain hope for their speedy termination. Gomez , Madeleine-Angélique
17600 The history of Leonora de Valesco, a Spanish lady, who, in an expedition against the Spanish islands in the West-Indies, was taken prisoner by the British; forced on board a ship of war, and detained several years by the commodore.--Her sufferings were extraordinary;--her adventures surprising;--her deliverance remarkable. The heroine appears amiable even in the midst of combat, and fighting with the bravery of a veteran. Resignation, fortitude, and constancy, triumph ever [sic] every obstacle. Translated from the admired works of Madame de Gomez. Gomez , Madeleine-Angélique
19904 The history of little Charles, and his friend Frank Wilful. Embellished with cuts. Somerville , Elizabeth
19905 The history of little Charles, and his friend Frank Wilful. Embellished with cuts. Somerville , Elizabeth