Geoname ID 4835797
Name Hartford
Titles 64
Firms 22
People Born: 3, Died: 7


Displaying 1–25 of 64

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
18767 'Tis all for the best: Exemplified in the character of Mrs. Simpson. To which is added, The Grand Assizes; or, General Jail Delivery, &c. &c. &c. More , Hannah
19897 A Birth Day Present: or, A New Year's Gift. Being Nine Day's Conversation between a Mother and Daughter, on Interesting Subjects: for the use of young persons, from ten to fifteen years of age. Second American Edition. Somerville , Elizabeth
Pope , Alexander
1804 Second American Edition.
19051 A mirror for the female sex. Historical beauties for young ladies. Intended to lead the female mind to the love and practice of moral goodness. Designed principally for the use of ladies' schools. By Mrs. Pilkington. Pilkington , Mary
Oliver D. and I. Cooke (Hartford)
16201 A Real Treasure for a Pious Mind. Compiled by a Lady of Connecticut. From the Collections and Writings of the Countess of Huntingdon, Mrs. Rowe, Miss Harvey, Dr. Watts, Mr. Perin, Mr. Smith, and Others. Hastings , Selina
Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
Harvey , Miss
Perin , Mr.
Smith , Mr.
Watts , Isaac
16198 A Real Treasure for a Pious Mind. Compiled by a Lady of Connecticut. From the Collections and Writings of the Countess of Huntingdon, Mrs. Rowe, Miss Harvey, Dr. Watts, Mr. Perin, Mr. Smith, and Others. Fourth Edition. Hastings , Selina
Harvey , Miss
Watts , Isaac
Perin , Mr.
Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
Smith , Mr.
1801 Fourth Edition.
15388 A Series of letters on courtship and marriage. : To which are added, Witherspoon's Letters on marriage.--Swift's Letter to a newly married lady. Mrs. Piozzi's Letter to a gentleman newly married, &c. &c. Piozzi , Hester Lynch Thrale
Cotton , Nathaniel
Franklin , Benjamin
Swift , Jonathan
Witherspoon , John
Nugent , Mr.
16229 A Series of Letters on Courtship and Marriage. To Which are Added, Witherspoon's Letters on Marriage.—Swift's Letter to a Newly Married Lady. Mrs. Piozzi's Letter to a Gentleman Newly Married, &c. &c. Franklin , Benjamin
Witherspoon , John
Swift , Jonathan
Piozzi , Hester Lynch Thrale
Cotton , Nathaniel
17446 A tribute of respect to the memory of Miss Hannah Bull. By a female friend. Unknown , [Woman]
19378 Charlotte Temple. A tale of truth by Mrs. Rowson. Late of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; Author of Victoria, the Inquisitor, Fille de Chambre, &c. Rowson , Susanna
Silas Andrus (Hartford)
19381 Charlotte Temple. A tale of truth by Mrs. Rowson. Late of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; author of Victoria, The Inquisitor, Fille de chambre, &c. Rowson , Susanna
Silas Andrus (Hartford)
19384 Charlotte Temple. A tale of truth by Mrs. Rowson. Late of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; Author of Victoria, the Inquisitor, Fille de chambre, &c. Rowson , Susanna
Silas Andrus (Hartford)
19387 Charlotte Temple. A tale of truth by Mrs. Rowson. Late of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; author of Victoria, The Inquisitor, Fille de chambre, &c. Rowson , Susanna
Silas Andrus (Hartford)
19390 Charlotte Temple. A tale of truth by Mrs. Rowson. Late of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; Author of Victoria, the Inquisitor, Fille de Chambre, &c. Rowson , Susanna
Silas Andrus (Hartford)
19394 Charlotte Temple. A tale of truth by Mrs. Rowson. Late of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; author of Victoria, The Inquisitor, Fille de chambre, &c. Rowson , Susanna
Silas Andrus (Hartford)
19397 Charlotte Temple. A tale of truth by Mrs. Rowson. Late of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; Author of Victoria, the Inquisitor, Fille de Chambre, &c. Rowson , Susanna
Andrus and Judd (Hartford)
19401 Charlotte Temple. A tale of truth. By Mrs. Rowson, late of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; Author of Victoria, the Inquisitor, Fille de Chambre, &c. Two volumes in one. Eighth American Edition. Rowson , Susanna
Silas Andrus (Hartford)
1811 Eight American Edition.
18133 Dinarbas: a tale. First American Edition. Knight , Ellis Cornelia
Oliver Dudley Cooke (Hartford)
1803 First American Edition.
16009 Famous History of Whittington and His Cat. Shewing, How, from a poor Country Boy, destitute of Parents or Relations, he attained great Riches, and was promoted to the high and honorable dignity of Lord Mayor of London. Ornamented with Cuts. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Unknown ,
20054 Hymns for infant minds. By the author of Original poems, Rhymes for the nursery, &c. Taylor (later Gilbert) , Ann
Taylor , Jane
20058 Hymns for infant minds. By the author of Original poems, Rhymes for the nursery, &c. Taylor (later Gilbert) , Ann
Taylor , Jane
18924 Illustrations of lying, in all its branches. By Amelia Opie. From the second London edition Opie , Amelia
Silas Andrus (Hartford)
18925 Illustrations of lying, in all its branches. By Amelia Opie. From the second London edition. Opie , Amelia
Silas Andrus (Hartford)
1828 From the second London edition.
18160 Lectures to young ladies. To which are added, short hymns, suited to the subjects. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman]
16546 Letters on the difficulties of religion. By Catharine E. Beecher Beecher , Catharine Esther
Belknap & Hamersley (Hartford)
16102 Memoirs of Miss Eliza Van Wyck: To Which is Added, The Story of The Happy Waterman. More , Hannah
Unknown , [Woman]