Geoname ID 4930956
Name Boston
Titles 507
Firms 245
People Born: 31, Died: 40


Displaying 76–100 of 245

ID Name Street Address City Start Date End Date
6511 Harrison Gray Boston (US)
6724 Hastings, Etheridge, & Bliss. Boston (US)
6618 Henry Trumbull Boston (US)
5310 Hilliard and Metcalf [University Press] Boston (US)
5430 Hilliard, Gray, and Co. Boston (US)
6930 Isaac Bowers no. 17, Cornhill Boston (US)
5288 Isaac Knapp [Cornhill] 25 Cornhill Boston (US) 1969 1969
8190 Isaac Knapp [Washington Street] 46 Washington Street Boston (US) 1969 1969
6605 Isaac Ridley Butts Boston (US)
5320 Isaac Ridley Butts and Co. Boston (US)
5946 Isaiah Thomas Boston (US)
7595 Isaiah Thomas near the Mill-Bridge Boston (US) 1969 1969
7282 Isaiah Thomas, Jun. 6 Marlboro' Street Boston (US)
6831 J. Belknap and A. Young No. 34 Newbury Street Boston (US)
6918 J. Boyle Boston (US)
8223 J. Draper Boston (US)
8224 J. Edwards Cornhill Boston (US)
6523 J. Griffin Brunswick Boston (US)
6877 J. Milliquet Boston (US)
5442 J. White & Co. Boston (US)
7988 James B. Dow 362 Washington-Street Boston (US)
6499 James Barber Dow 122 Washington-Street Boston (US)
1305 James Loring No. 132 Washington Street Boston (US)
8105 James Loring [Cornhill] no. 2, Cornhill, Washington's Head Boston (US)
5717 James Munroe and Co. Boston (US)