Geoname ID 4930956
Name Boston
Titles 507
Firms 245
People Born: 31, Died: 40


Displaying 101–125 of 245

ID Name Street Address City Start Date End Date
6867 James Shaw Boston (US)
7202 James W. Burditt & Co. Court Street Boston (US)
7851 Joanna Perry King St. Boston (US)
7947 John Allen the north-side of the Town-House Boston (US)
5339 John Allen and Co. Boston (US)
6827 John and Thomas Fleet At the Bible and Heart, Cornhill Boston (US)
8164 John Boyle next door to the Three Doves in Marlborough-Street Boston (US)
5303 John Boyles Marlboro Street Boston (US)
5800 John Eliot Boston (US)
6372 John Eliot, Jun. Court Street Boston (US)
5514 John Emmes Dill Cornhill Street Boston (US)
6183 John Gill Queen-Street Boston (US)
6296 John H. A. Frost Congress St. Boston (US)
6481 John Howe Boston (US)
8266 John Mein at the London Book-Store, north-side of King-Street. Boston (US) 1969 1969
7729 John Reid Boston (US)
5449 John West [Boston] 75 Cornhill Boston (US) 1969 1969
5917 John West and Company No. 75, Cornhill. Boston (US)
5450 John West Folsom Boston (US)
8215 Joseph Baxter Boston (US)
5910 Joseph Bumstead No. 20, Union-Street Boston (US)
7954 Joseph Dowe Boston (US)
6134 Joseph Nancrede 49 Marlborough Street Boston (US)
7815 Joseph Pulsifer No. 36, Back-Street. Boston (US)
7137 Joseph Tinker Buckingham Boston (US)