Geoname ID 4975802
Name Portland
Titles 16
Firms 17
People Born: 4, Died: 5


Displaying 1–17 of 17

ID Name Street Address City Start Date End Date
6290 A. & J. Shirley Portland (US)
6494 Arthur Shirley Portland (US)
6495 Colman and Chisholm Portland (US)
5486 Daniel Johnson Portland (US)
6395 Eleazer Alley Jenks Portland (US)
7560 Francis Douglas Portland (US)
6289 Isaac Adams No. 7, Exchange Street Portland (US)
7887 Jenks & Shirley Portland (US)
7589 John Johnson Portland (US)
5864 John McKown Portland (US)
7588 Lyman & Hall Portland (US)
6622 Lyman, Hall, & Co. Portland (US)
8106 Samuel Colman Portland (US)
7790 Thomas Baker Wait Portland (US)
7159 Thomas Clark Portland (US)
7872 William & H. Hyde Portland (US)
6496 William Hyde Portland (US)