Geoname ID 4975802
Name Portland
Titles 16
Firms 17
People Born: 4, Died: 5


Displaying 1–16 of 16

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
19445 A spelling dictionary, divided into short lessons, for the easier committing to memory by children and young persons; and calculated to assist youth in comprehending what they read: selected from Johnson's Dictionary, for the use of her pupils. By Susanna Rowson. Second edition. Rowson , Susanna
Johnson , Samuel
Isaac Adams (Portland)
West and Richardson (Boston)
1815 Second edition.
15923 Address to mothers. Which preceded the Constitution and rules of the "Maternal Association of Portland. Doddridge , Philip
Unknown , [Woman]
16505 Lessons for children of four years old. Part II. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
16869 Letters on the improvement of the mind. Addressed to a lady. By Mrs. Chapone. Chapone , Hester Mulso
Daniel Johnson (Portland)
20271 The amaranth: being a collection of original pieces, in prose and verse, : calculated to amuse the minds of youth without corrupting their morals. By Eliza S. True. True , Eliza S.
19616 The busy bee. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his bearer," "Lucy Clare," &c. Sherwood , Mary Martha
William Hyde (Portland)
17605 The copy of a valedictory and monitory writing, left by Sarah Goodhue, the wife of Joseph Goodhue, of Ipswich, in N.E. and found after her decease; full of spiritual experiences, sage counsels, pious instructions, and serious exhortations: directed to her husband and children, with other near relations and friends, and profitable to all that may happen to read the same. : She was the youngest daughter of Elder Whipple, born at the said Ipswich, anno 1641, and died suddenly, (as she presaged she should) July 23, 1681, three days after she had been delivered of two hopeful children, leaving ten in all surviving. Goodhue , Sarah
16557 The cottage girl; or An account of Ann Edwards, a Sunday school scholar. By the author of The retrospect, Village observer, &c. &c Bennett , Mary E.
William Hyde (Portland)
16535 The female Christian; containing a selection from the writings of Miss Lucy Barns; who departed this life, August 27th, 1809. Barns , Lucy
19658 The history of little George and his penny. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his bearer" Sherwood , Mary Martha
William Hyde (Portland)
19669 The history of little Henry and his bearer. Sherwood , Mary Martha
William & H. Hyde (Portland)
16359 The Life and Character of Miss Susanna Anthony, Who died, in Newport, (R.I.) June 23, 1791, in the 65th year of her age. Consisting Chiefly in Extracts from her Writings, with Some Brief Observations on Them. Compiled by Samuel Hopkins, D.D. Second Edition. Anthony , Susanna
Lyman, Hall, & Co. (Portland)
D. Mallory & Co. (Boston)
Swift & Chipman (Middlebury (village))
Beers & Howe (New Haven)
Williams & Whiting (New York)
D.W. Farrand & Green (Albany)
B. B. Hopkins & Co. (Philadelphia)
I.B. Zantzinger & Co. (Philadelphia)
Philip H. Nicklin and Co. (Baltimore)
John Wilson Campbell (Petersburg)
Patterson & Hopkins (Pitsburg)
1810 Second Edition.
16767 The nosegay of honeysuckles. By the author of "The two lambs," &c Cameron , Lucy Lyttelton
H. , J.
William Hyde (Portland)
16705 The orphan queen, or Conversations on the history of Queen Esther. By a female teacher Burford , Miss
William Hyde (Portland)
Maine Sabbath School Depository
16188 The Portland sketch book. Edited by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. Beckett , S.B
Brooks , James
Cutter , William
Chickering , John W.
Carter , N.H.
Cummings , Asa
Cox , Gershom F.
Daveis , Charles Stewart
Deering , Nathaniel
Furbish , James
Greenleaf , P.H.
Ilsley , Charles Parker
Ingraham , Joseph
Light , George Washington
Longfellow , Henry Wadsworth
Mellen , Prentiss
Mellen , Grenville
McClintock , William L.
Mellen , Frederick
McLellan , Isaac, Jr
Neal , John
Otis , James F.
Payson , Edward
P. , L.S.
Smith , Elizabeth Oakes
Stephens , Ann Sophia
Smith , Seba
Willis , William
Willis , Nathaniel Parker
Ware , Ashur
Whitman , Jason
Colman and Chisholm (Portland)
19779 The wishing-cap. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his bearer" Sherwood , Mary Martha
William Hyde (Portland)