Geoname ID 5085966
Name Exeter
Titles 14
Firms 10
People Born: 2, Died: 1


Displaying 1–14 of 14

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
14593 A New System of Domestic Cookery, formed upon Principles of Economy, and adapted to the Use of Private Families. By a Lady. Third Edition. Rundell , Maria Eliza Ketelby
1808 Third Edition.
18920 Illustrations of lying, in all its branches. By Amelia Opie Opie , Amelia
John Calvin Gerrish (Exeter)
18921 Illustrations of lying, in all its branches. By Amelia Opie Opie , Amelia
John Calvin Gerrish (Exeter)
18922 Illustrations of lying, in all its branches. By Amelia Opie Opie , Amelia
J. and B. Williams (Exeter)
20407 Memoirs, or Spiritual exercises of Elisabeth West: written by her own hand. First American, from the last Edinburgh Edition. Corrected by an American gentleman. West , Elisabeth
1817 First American, from the last Edinburgh Edition.
20170 Original poems, for infant minds, by several young persons. Taylor (later Gilbert) , Ann
Taylor, Jr. , Isaac
O'Keeffe , Adelaide
Barton , Bernard
Taylor , Isaac
15363 Songs in the Night; by a young woman under heavy afflictions. First American, from the Fourth London, Edition; with a supplement. Harrison , Susannah
1802 First American, from the Fourth London, Edition; with a supplement.
18110 The good child's delight. Kilner , Dorothy
Henry Ranlet (Exeter)
15214 The Hungarian Brothers. In Two Volumes. By Miss Ann Maria Porter. Porter , Anna Maria
J. and B. Williams (Exeter)
15215 The Hungarian Brothers. In Two Volumes. By Miss Ann Maria Porter. Porter , Anna Maria
John Calvin Gerrish (Exeter)
19176 The loving invitation of Christ, to the aged, middle-aged, youth and children; from the mouth of Elizabeth Osborn, only three years and nine months old. Raymond , Jane
19179 The loving invitation of Christ, to the aged, middle-aged, youth, and children; from the mouth of Elizabeth Osborn, only three years and nine months old. Raymond , Jane
14519 The Mysteries of Udolpho. A Romance. Interspersed with Some Pieces of Poetry. In Three Volumes. By Ann Radcliffe. Radcliffe , Ann
J. and B. Williams (Exeter)
16266 Writings of Mrs. A.G.D. with a Sketch of her Character. Second Edition, with Additions. G.D. , A.
1811 Second Edition, with Additions.