ID 11975
Last Name Dodd I
First Name Anne
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1685
Date of Death 1739
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Displaying 376–400 of 813

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Bookseller A short encouragement for the great men of the earth, to make war with Babylon: the king of Prussia another and reviving Gideon going before them; by the occasion of that famous persecution at Thorn. To which are added two dialogues, one Between the Birds of the Air, and the Publisher of Good News. The other Between the Devil and the Jesuits, his Eldest and First-Born Sons. 1725
Publisher Apollo and Daphne: or, Harlequin Mercury. A dramatic entertainment, after the manner of the antient pantomimes. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Compos'd by John Thurmond 1725
Bookseller Every-Body's business, is no-body's business; or, private abuses, publick grievances: exemplified in the pride, insolence, and exorbitant wages of our women-servants, footmen, &c. With a proposal for amendment of the same; as also for clearing the Streets of those Vermin call'd Shoe-Cleaners, and substituting in their stead many Thousands of Industrious Poor, now ready to starve. With divers other Hints, of great Use to the Publick. Humbly submitted to the Consideration of our Legislature, and the careful perusal of all Masters and Mistresses of Families. By Andrew Moreton, Esq; 1725
Bookseller Every-body's business, is no-body's business; or, private abuses, publick grievances: exemplified in the pride, insolence, and exorbitant wages of our women-servants, footmen, &c. With a proposal for amendment of the same; as also for clearing the Streets of those Vermin call'd Shoe-Cleaners, and substituting in their stead many Thousands of Industrious Poor, now ready to starve. With divers other Hints, of great Use to the Publick. Humbly submitted to the Consideration of our Legislature, and the careful perusal of all Masters and Mistresses of Families. By Andrew Moreton, Esq; The Fifth Edition, with the Addition of a Preface. 1725
Bookseller Every-Body's business, is no-body's business; or, private abuses, publick grievances: exemplified in the pride, insolence, and exorbitant wages of our women-servants, footmen, &c. With a proposal for amendment of the same; as also for clearing the Streets of those Vermin call'd Shoe-Cleaners, and substituting in their stead many Thousands of Industrious Poor, now ready to starve. With divers other Hints, of great Use to the Publick. Humbly submitted to the Consideration of our Legislature, and the careful perusal of all Masters and Mistresses of Families. By Andrew Moreton, Esq; The Fourth Edition, corrected. 1725
Bookseller Every-Body's business, is No-Body's Business; or, private abuses, publick grievances: exemplified in the pride, Insolence, and exorbitant wages of our women-servants, footmen, &c. With a proposal for amendment of the same; as also for clearing the Streets of those Vermin call'd Shoe-Cleaners, and substituting in their stead many Thousands of Industrious Poor, now ready to starve. With divers other Hints, of great Use to the Publick. Humbly submitted to the Consideration of our Legislature, and the careful perusal of all Masters and Mistresses of Families. By Andrew Moreton, Esq; The Second Edition 1725
Bookseller Every-Body's business, is no-body's business; or, private abuses, publick grievances: exemplified in the pride, insolence, and exorbitant wages of our women-servants, footmen, &c. With a proposal for amendment of the same; as also for clearing the Streets of those Vermin call'd Shoe-Cleaners, and substituting in their stead many Thousands of Industrious Poor, now ready to starve. With divers other Hints, of great Use to the Publick. Humbly submitted to the Consideration of our Legislature, and the careful perusal of all Masters and Mistresses of Families. By Andrew Moreton, Esq; The Third Edition. 1725
Publisher Female piety and virtue. A poem. 1725
Publisher Funeral discipline: or, the character of Strip-Corps the dead-monger. According to the instructions of Paul Meagre, once mourner in chief to the funeral undertaker. 1725
Bookseller God's mercies to Great Britain. A sermon preach'd before the University of Cambridge, May XXIX. MDCCXX. on Psalm cvii. 43. Whoso is wise, and will observe those Things, even they shall understand the loving Kindness of the Lord. By John Holdsworth, M. A. 1725
Publisher Sheppard in Ægypt, or news from the dead. Being a letter from John Sheppard to Frisky Moll, and his executor. Giving a most entertaining Account of his Arrival and Reception at Styx, with sundry remarkable Adventures as have happened to himself, to Blueskin and Houssare the French Barber, and to many other defunct Robbers, Murderers, and Traitors, &c. Together With the Censures passed on the late Night Scene of Harlequin Sheppard and the Play of Caesar in Aegypt at the Shades. Also a poetic epistle from Charon to Jonathan W-d, with many other curious Particulars. 1725
Publisher The dumb projector: being a surprizing account of a trip to Holland made by Mr. Duncan Campbell. With The Manner of his Reception and Behaviour there. As also The various and diverting Occurrences that happened on his Departure. 1725
Bookseller The great danger of presumption. A sermon sometime preached in the Abbey of Westminster, upon I Cor. x. 12 . Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. By the Rev. Mr. John Holdsworth, M.A. 1725
Bookseller The Most advantageous and necessary project for England, that ever was yet undertaken. Containing I. Very reasonable proposals for insuring all the sea-walls, or sea-banks, and marsh-grounds thereunto belonging, within the kingdom of England, principality of Wales, and adjacent parts of North-Britain, from loss and damage by overflowing tides and inundations of of the sea, or from any dreadful and destructive effects, which may be occasioned that way. The whole being, laid down in a very rational scheme, and method of procedure. II. Very easy proposals for gaining all sorts of marsh-lands from the sea, which never have been taken in before. III. Reasonable proposals for insuring keys and wharfs, and for clearing and enlarging of docks and harbours, any where within the above mentioned bounds. IV. The draining of fens proposed after a new method, which will effectually preserve great quantities of corn in some counties of the kingdom from the damage it commonly sustains in moist or wet summers. V. Proposals for preparing, or forming mill-ponds for rape-mills, or corn-mills, on convenient creeks of the sea; as also for clearing and enlarging mill-ponds that are landed up. Proposals for drawing canals from fresh-water rivers to noblemens seats in the country; as also for rendering rivers navigable. By a Society at London. 1725
Bookseller The St. James's miscellany, or The citizens amusement being a new and curious collection, of many amorous tales humourous poems, diverting epitaphs, pleasant epigrams, and delightful songs, &c. By Tim. Merriman, Esq; 1725
Printer The St. James's miscellany, or The citizens amusement being a new and curious collection, of many amorous tales humourous poems, diverting epitaphs, pleasant epigrams, and delightful songs, &c. By Tim. Merriman, Esq; 1725
Publisher A Dissertation on national churches: Or, The happy influences of society in its improved state, as modell'd by the Christian institutes. 1726
Bookseller A learned dissertation on dumpling; its dignity, antiquity, and excellence. With a word upon pudding. And Many other Useful Dicoveries, of great Benefit to the Publick. To which is added, Namby pamby; a panegyric on the new versification address'd to A- P- Esq; the Sixth Edition. 1726
Bookseller A learned dissertation on dumpling; Its dignity, antiquity, and excellence. With a word upon pudding. And many other useful discoveries, of great benefit to the publick. The Fourth Edition. 1726
Bookseller A learned dissertation on dumpling; its dignity, antiquity, and excellence. With a word upon pudding. And many other useful discoveries, of great benefit to the publick. The Third Edition. 1726
Bookseller A learned dissertation on dumpling; its dignity, antiquity, and excellence. With a word upon pudding. And many other useful discoveries, of great benefit to the publick. To which is added, Namby pamby; a panegyric on the new versification address'd to A- P- Esq; The Fifth Edition 1726
Bookseller A letter to the Reverend Mr. John Henley, A.M. containing remarks on the plan of his oratory, otherwise call'd by him, a church. By William Wood, ... 1726
Bookseller A modest plea for the British distillery. In a letter from a country gentleman, to a member of Parliament. 1726
Printer A Narrative of the barbarous and unheard of murder of Mr. John Hayes, by Catherine his wife, Thomas Billings, and Thomas Wood, in the 1st of March at night. Wherein every minute circumstance attending that horrid affair, and the wonderful providence of God in the discovery of the actors therein, are faithfully and impartially related. Together with the examinations and consessions of the said Thomas Billings and Thomas Wood before several of His Majesty's justices of the peace. As also the copy of a fictitious letter that Catherine Hayes sent, as from her husband, to his mother in Worcestershire after his death; and the mother's answer thereto: with some account of the wicked life and conversation of the said Catherine, and likewise of those of Thomas Billings and Thomas Wood. To which are prefix'd, their true and exact effigies, drawn from the life, and curiously engraved on copper. Published with the approbation of the relations and friends of the said Mr. John Hayes. The Third Edition. 1726
Bookseller A Narrative of the barbarous and unheard of murder of Mr. John Hayes, by Catherine his wife, Thomas Billings, and Thomas Wood, in the 1st of March at night. Wherein every minute circumstance attending that horrid affair, and the wonderful providence of God in the discovery of the actors therein, are faithfully and impartially related. Together with the examinations and consessions of the said Thomas Billings and Thomas Wood before several of His Majesty's justices of the peace. As also the copy of a fictitious letter that Catherine Hayes sent, as from her husband, to his mother in Worcestershire after his death; and the mother's answer thereto: with some account of the wicked life and conversation of the said Catherine, and likewise of those of Thomas Billings and Thomas Wood. To which are prefix'd, their true and exact effigies, drawn from the life, and curiously engraved on copper. Published with the approbation of the relations and friends of the said Mr. John Hayes. The Third Edition. 1726

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"Dodd I, Anne" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 11975, Accessed 2025-03-06.

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