ID 12436
Last Name Billingsley
First Name Jane
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1677
Date of Death 1747-03-21
Place of Birth
Place of Death London
Related Firms M. Billingsley
Jane Billingsley
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Displaying 1–17 of 17

Role Title Date
Publisher The yea and nay stock-jobbers, or The 'change-alley quakers anatomiz'd. In a burlesque epistle to a friend at sea. 1720
Publisher A calculation of the new scheme for the disposing of the South-Sea property. Wherein is shewn what dividend the South-Sea Company can make on the old foot; What Dividend the New Scheme proposes, and what Dividend (if the Scheme takes Effect) the Three Companies can really make by their present Profits and the Interest of the New Ingrafted Stock. Being what was intended to have been publish'd in the White-Hall Evening-Post. 1721
Publisher The proceedings of the late directors of the South-Sea Company, from their proposal for taking in the publick debts, to the choice of new directors; containing a particular account of the debates in the General-Courts of the said company, during that Time, as likewise in those of the Bank of England, and East-India Company; including among others the celebrated Speeches of the following Lords and Gentlemen, viz. Duke of Portland Earl of Ilay Lord Lumley Lord Morpeth Mr. Craggs Sir John Blunt Sir John Eyles Sir John Fellows Sir Matthew Decker Sir Robert Child Sir Gils. Heathcote Sir Harcourt Master Sir Theodore Jansen Sir George Caswall Dr. Cotesworth Mr. Budgell Mr. Ecclestone Mr. Young Mr. Hungerford Mr. Hopkins Mr. Pendock, &c. Together with divers other matters and Occurrences, which either result from or serve to explain those proceedings. To these are added the by-laws of the South-Sea Company. The Second Edition, with Additions 1721
Publisher An historical account of the plague at Marseilles. Giving a particular relation of all the different occurrences that happen'd during the visitation of that city. Publish'd by Authority at Paris, and faithfully translated from the original French. By J. S. M.D. To which is added, a letter from Monsier Pons, Physician of the Faculty of Montpelier, wrote from Marseilles (while he resided there by Order of the Regent) to Monsieur de Bon Chevalier, first President of the Court of Aids and Finances of Montpelier; discovering the Nature and Cause of the Pestilence, its Symptoms, and the Methods and Medicines used for the Recovery of the Infected. The second edition revised: to which is added, a particular and distinct description of the city of Marseilles. 1722
Bookseller The scriptures and the Athanasians compared in their accounts of God the Father and of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1722
Bookseller A defence of the negative of the two questions propos'd by Mr. Reynolds and his people, to Mr. Read. In a letter to the Revd. Mr. Reynolds. By an Impartial inquirer after truth. 1723
Bookseller God, and all other reasonable beings, happy in proportion to their virtue. Or, an essay upon moral virtue, as its necessary connection with all Rational Happiness. In a letter to the Revd Dr. Clark, Rector of St. James's Westminster, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. By a clergyman. 1723
Publisher The curiosities of common water: or the advantages thereof in preventing and curing many distempers. Gather'd from the writings of several eminent physicians, and also from more than forty years experience. By John Smith, C.M. To which are added, some rules for preservin health by diet. The Second Edition, corrected. 1723
Publisher The highland rogue: Or, The memorable actions of the celebrated Robert Mac-Gregor, commonly called Rob-Roy. Containing a genuine account of his education, grandeur, and sudden misfortune; his commencing robber, and being elected captain of a formidable gang; his exploits on the highway, breaking upon houses, taking prisoners, commencing judge, and levying taxes; his defence of his manner of living; his dispute with a Scotch parson open predestination; his joining with the Earl of Marr in the rebellion; his being decoy'd and imprison'd by the Duke of --------, with the manner of his escape, &c. Introduc'd with a relation of the unequal'd villanies of the clan of the Mac-gregors for several years past. The whole impartially digested from the memorandums of an authentick Scotch MS. 1723
Bookseller God, and all other reasonable beings, happy in proportion to their virtue. or, an essay upon moral virtue, and its necessary connection with all rational happiness. In a letter to the Reverened Dr. Clark, Rector of St. James's Westminster. By a clergy-man. The Second Edition. 1724
Printer Mendico-hymen: Or, The beggar's match. A poem. Translated from the Latin. 1724
Bookseller Mendico-hymen: Or, The beggar's match. A poem. Translated from the Latin. 1724
Bookseller Romulus: a tragedy. From the French of Monsieur de Lamotte. By H. Johnson. 1724
Bookseller A dialogue between a Protestant and a Quaker. To which is added, a short examination concerning the scandalous custom of wearing white-pouder'd perriwigs by the most modern divines. By Petrus de Laat. 1725
Publisher Female piety and virtue. A poem. 1725
Publisher The dumb projector: being a surprizing account of a trip to Holland made by Mr. Duncan Campbell. With The Manner of his Reception and Behaviour there. As also The various and diverting Occurrences that happened on his Departure. 1725
Bookseller A political resemblance of a war, in the behaviour of all countries: being set forth in a complaint against the fix'd observators, the French in particular, who daily, during this summer season, crowd the benches in St. James's park. To which is added, the Frenchman outwitted. A tale. 1731

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"Billingsley, Jane" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 12436, Accessed 2025-03-09.

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