The curiosities of common water: or the advantages thereof in preventing and curing many distempers. Gather'd from the writings of several eminent physicians, and also from more than forty years experience. By John Smith, C.M. To which are added, some rules for preservin health by diet. The Second Edition, corrected.
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Smith, John. The curiosities of common water: or the advantages thereof in preventing and curing many distempers. Gather'd from the writings of several eminent physicians, and also from more than forty years experience. By John Smith, C.M. To which are added, some rules for preservin health by diet. The Second Edition, corrected.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 25257, Accessed 2025-03-25.
Smith, John. The curiosities of common water: or the advantages thereof in preventing and curing many distempers. Gather'd from the writings of several eminent physicians, and also from more than forty years experience. By John Smith, C.M. To which are added, some rules for preservin health by diet. The Second Edition, corrected. London: Jane Billingsley, James Roberts [Warwick Lane], Anne Dodd I, Joseph Fox I, 1723.
Smith , J. (1723). The curiosities of common water: or the advantages thereof in preventing and curing many distempers. gather'd from the writings of several eminent physicians, and also from more than forty years experience. by john smith, c.m. to which are added, some rules for preservin health by diet. the second edition, corrected. London: Jane Billingsley. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Anne Dodd I. Joseph Fox I.
Smith, John. The curiosities of common water: or the advantages thereof in preventing and curing many distempers. Gather'd from the writings of several eminent physicians, and also from more than forty years experience. By John Smith, C.M. To which are added, some rules for preservin health by diet. The Second Edition, corrected. London: Jane Billingsley, James Roberts [Warwick Lane], Anne Dodd I, Joseph Fox I, 1723.
@book{ wphp_25257 author={Smith,John}, year={1723}, title={The curiosities of common water: or the advantages thereof in preventing and curing many distempers. Gather'd from the writings of several eminent physicians, and also from more than forty years experience. By John Smith, C.M. To which are added, some rules for preservin health by diet. The Second Edition, corrected.}, publisher={Jane Billingsley \& James Roberts [Warwick Lane] \& Anne Dodd I \& Joseph Fox I}, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for The curiosities of common water: or the advantages thereof in preventing and curing many distempers. Gather'd from the writings of several eminent physicians, and also from more than forty years experience. By John Smith, C.M. To which are added, some rules for preservin health by diet. The Second Edition, corrected.