ID 2039
Last Name Johnson
First Name Mary
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Author The young w[o]man's companion; or the servant-maid's assistant; digested under the several heads hereinafter mentioned, Viz. I. A short Essay on the Benefits of Learning, &c. by way of Introduction. II. The Young Womans's Guide to the Knowledge of her Mother-Tongue. III. A compendious English Spelling Dictionary, peculiarly calculated for the present Undertaking. IV. An easy Introduction to the Art of Writing; with Rules of Life. V. Familar Letters on various Subjects. VI. The Young Woman's Guide to the Art of Numbers; with a great Variety of useful Tables. Vii. The compleat Market Woman; with proper Instructions to prevent the Purchaser from being imposed upon. Viii. The compleat Cook-Maid, Pastry-Cook, and Confectioner. IX. Advice to Sevants in general, with Respect to their Duty towards God, their Employers, and themselves, with additional Prayers and Hymns. And Lastly A compleat Table of the Contents. The whole compiled by Mary Johnson, For many Years a Superintendant of a Lady of Quality's Family in the City of York. 1753
Author Madam Johnson's present: or, the best instructions for young women, in useful and universal knowledge. With a summary of the late Marriage Act, and instructions how to marry pursuant thereto: digested under the following heads. I. An estimate of the expenses of a family in the middling station of life. II. The art and terms of carving, fish, fowl, and flesh. III. A bill of fare for every month in the year for dinner and supper, and also for extraordinary occasions. IV. The young woman's guide to knowledge. V. A new English spelling dictionary. VI. The compleat market-woman. VII. The cook's guide for dressing all sorts of flesh, fowl and fish. VIII. Pickling, pastry, and confectionary. 1754
Author Madam Johnson's present; or, the best instructions for young women, in useful and universal knowledge. With a summary of the late Marriage Act, and Instructions how to marry purinant thereto. Digested under the following Heads. I. An Estimate of the Expences of a Family in the middling Station of Life. II. The Art and Terms of Carving, Fish, Fowl, and Flesh. III. A Bill of Fare for every Month in the Year for Dinner and Supper, and also for extraordinary Occasions. IV. The young Woman's Guide to Knowledge. V. A new English Spelling Dictionary. VI. The Compleat Market-Woman. Vii. The Cook's Guide for dressing all Sorts of Flesh Fowl and Fish. Viii. Pickling, Pastry, and Confectionary. With several useful tables, being the compleatest Book of the Kind ever published. 1755
Author Madam Johnson's present: Or, Every young woman's companion, in useful and universal knowledge. Digested under the following heads: I. Spelling, reading, writing, and arith[met]ick taught without the help of a master. II. The compleat market-woman. III. The cook's guide for dressing all sorts of flesh, fowl and fish. IV. For pickling, pastry, and confectionary. V. An estimate of the expences of a family in the middling station of life. VI. The art and terms of carving fish, fowl, and flesh. VII. A bill of fare for every month in the year for dinner and supper, and also for extraordindary occasions. VIII. The young woman's instructor for the right spelling of words used in marketing, cookery, pickling, preserving,&c. To this edition is added, several useful tables, being the compleatest book of the kind ever published. The compiler, Madam Johnson, in order to make this book come as cheap as possible to the purchasers, has out of her benevolence, fixed the price at 1s. 6d. bound; though it contains double the quality that is usually sold for that sum. The second edition. 1759
Author Madam Johnson’s present: or, every young woman’s companion, in useful and universal knowledge. Digested under the following Heads: I. Spelling, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetick, taught without the Help of a Master. II. The Compleat Market-Woman. III. The Cook’s Guide for dressing all Sorts of Flesh, Fowl and Fish. IV. For Pickling, Pastry, and Confectionary. V. An Estimate of the Expences of a Family in the middling Station of Life. VI. The Art and Terms of Carving Fish, Fowl, and Flesh. Vii. A Bill of Fare for every Month in the Year for Dinner and Supper, and also for extraordinary Occasions. Viii. The Young Woman’s Instructor for the right Spelling of Words used in Marketting, Cookery, Pickling, Preserving, &c. &c. &c. To this edition are added, some plain and very necessary directions to maid-servants in general, and several useful Tables: Which renders it the Completest Book of the Kind ever published. The Compiler, Madam Johnson, in order to make this Book come as cheap as possible to the Purchasers, has, out of her Benevolence, fixed the Price at 1 s. 6 d. Bound; though it contains double the Quantity that is usually sold for that Sum. The third edition. 1765
Author Madam Johnson's present: or, every young woman's companion, in useful and universal Knowledge. Digested under the following Heads: I. Spelling, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetick, taught without the Help of a Master. II. The Compleat Market-Woman. III. The Cook's Guide for dressing all Sorts of Flesh, Fowl and Fish. IV. For Pickling, Pastry, and Confectionary. V. An Estimate of the Expences of a Family in the middling Station of Life. VI. The Art and Terms of Carving Fish, Fowl, and Flesh. Vii. A Bill of Fare for every Month in the Year for Dinner, Supper, and also for extraordinary Occasions. Viii. The Young Woman's Instructor for the right Spelling of Words used in Marketting, Cookery, Pickling, Preserving, &c. &c. &c. To this edition are added, some plain and necessary directions to maid-servants in general, and several useful tables: Which renders it the Completest Book of the Kind ever published. The Compiler, Madam Johnson, in order to make this Book come as cheap as possible to the Purchasers, has, out of her Benevolence, fixed the Price at 1 s. 6 d. Bound; though it contains double the Quantity that is usually sold for that Sum. The fourth edition. 1766
Author Madam Johnson's present: or, every young woman's companion, in useful and universal knowledge. Digested under the following Heads: I. Spelling, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetick, taught without the Help of a Master. II. The compleat Market-Woman. III. The Cook's Guide for dressing all Sorts of Flesh, Fowl and Fish IV. For Pickling, Pastry, and Confectionary. V. An Estimate of the Expences of a Family in the middling Station of Life. VI. The Art and Terms of Carving Fish, Fowl, and Flesh. Vii. A Bill of Fare for every Month in the Year, for Dinner, Supper, and also for extraordinary Occasions. Viii. The Young Woman's Instructor for the right Spelling of Words used in Marketting, Cookery, Pickling, Preserving, &c. &c. To this edition are added, some plain and necessary directions to maid-servants in general, and several useful tables: Which renders it the Completest Book of the Kind ever published. The Compiler, Madam Johnson, in order to make this Book come as cheap as possible to the Purchasers, has, out of her Benevolence, fixed the Price at 1 s. 6 d. Bound; though it contains double the quantity that is usually sold for that Sum. The fifth edition. 1769
Author Madam Johnson's present: or, every young woman's companion, in useful and universal knowledge. Digested under the following Heads: I. Spelling, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetick, taught without the Help of a Master. II. The Compleat Market-Woman. III. The Cook's Guide for dressing all Sorts of Flesh, Fowl, and Fish. IV. For Pickling, Pastry, and Consectionary. V. An Estimate of the Expences of a Family in the middling Station of Life. VI. The Art and Terms of Carving Fish, Fowl, and Flesh. Vii. A Bill of Fare for every Month in the Year for Dinner, Supper, and also for extraordinary Occasions. Viii. The Young Woman's Instructor for the right Spelling of Words used in Marketting, Cookery, Pickling, Preserving, &c. &c. &c. To this Edition are added, Some plain and necessary Directions to Maid-Servants in General, and several useful Tables: Which renders it the Completest Book of the Kind ever published. The Compiler, Madam Johnson, in order to make this Book come as cheap as possible to the Purchasers, has, out of her Benevolence, fixed the Price at 1 s. 7 1/2 d. Bound; though it contains double the Quantity that is usually sold for that Sum. The fourth edition. 1770
Author Madam Johnson's present: or, every young woman's companion, in useful and universal knowledge. The sixth edition. To this edition are added, some plain and necessary directions to maid-servants in general, and several useful tables. 1772
Author Original Sonnets, and Other Poems. By Mary F. Johnson. 1810

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"Johnson, Mary" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 2039, Accessed 2025-02-22.

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