Madam Johnson's present: or, every young woman's companion, in useful and universal knowledge. The sixth edition. To this edition are added, some plain and necessary directions to maid-servants in general, and several useful tables.
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Johnson, Mary. Madam Johnson's present: or, every young woman's companion, in useful and universal knowledge. The sixth edition. To this edition are added, some plain and necessary directions to maid-servants in general, and several useful tables.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 6480, Accessed 2025-02-28.
@book{ wphp_6480 author={Johnson,Mary}, year={1772}, title={Madam Johnson's present: or, every young woman's companion, in useful and universal knowledge. The sixth edition. To this edition are added, some plain and necessary directions to maid-servants in general, and several useful tables.}, publisher={William Nicoll}, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for Madam Johnson's present: or, every young woman's companion, in useful and universal knowledge. The sixth edition. To this edition are added, some plain and necessary directions to maid-servants in general, and several useful tables.