ID 2343
Last Name Gibbes
First Name Phebe
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1736-03-18
Date of Death 1805
Place of Birth
Place of Death
Wikipedia Entry
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Notes Birth date and death date are rough estimates.


Displaying 1–16 of 16

Role Title Date
Author The history of Lady Louisa Stroud, and the Honourable Miss Caroline Stretton. In two volumes. 1764
Author The history of Lady Louisa Stroud, and the Honourable Miss Caroline Stretton. In two volumes. 1764
Author The history of Lady Louisa Stroud, and the Honourable Miss Caroline Stretton. In two volumes. The second edition. 1764
Author The life and adventures of Mr. Francis Clive. In two volumes. 1764
Author The life and adventures of Mr. Francis Clive. In two volumes. 1764
Author The woman of fashion: or, the history of Lady Diana Dormer. In two volumes. 1767
Author The woman of fashion. Or, the history of Lady Diana Dormer. In two volumes. 1769
Author Modern seduction, or innocence betrayed: consisting of several histories of the principal magdalens, received into that charity since its establishment. Very proper to be read by all young persons; as they exhibit a faithful picture of those arts most fatal to youth and innocence; and of those miseries that are the never-failing consequences of a departure from virtue. By the author of Lady Louisa Stroud. 1777
Author Friendship in a nunnery; or, The American fugitive. Containing a full description of the mode of education and living in convent schools, both on the low and high pension. The manners and characters of the nuns; the arts practised on young minds; and their baneful effects on society at large. By a lady. In two volumes. 1778
Author The american fugitive: or, friendship in a nunnery. Containing a full description of the mode of education and living in convent schools, both on the low and high Pension; the Manner and Characters of the Nuns; The Arts practised on young Minds; and their Baneful Effects on Society at large. By a lady. 1784
Author Elfrida; or, paternal ambition. A novel. In three volumes. By a lady. ... 1786
Author Elfrida; or, paternal ambition. A novel. In two volumes. By a lady. 1786
Author The niece; or, the history of Sukey Thornby. A novel. In three volumes. ... . By Mrs. P. Gibbes, Author of the History of Lady Louisa Stroud. 1788
Author Hartly House, Calcutta. In three volumes. 1789
Author Hartly House, Calcutta. In three volumes. 1789
Author Heaven's Best Gift. A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Lucius Phillips, a Near Relation to Major General Phillips. 1798

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"Gibbes, Phebe" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 2343, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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