ID 2529
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Displaying 51–75 of 1373

Role Title Date
Translator Electra, A Tragedy. Translated from the Greek of Sophocles. 1714
Author New discoveries of the dangers of popery. 1714
Author Perkin's-Cabal, or the mock ministry characterized. 1714
Author Perkins-cabal, or the mock ministry charactrized [sic]. 1714
Author Rex redux: or, the history of the restoration of his sacred Majesty K. Charles II. Of pious memory, to his hereditary kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, on the twenty ninth of May, 1660. With the Precedent Actions and Passages, that contributed thereunto. Extracted out of the Earl of Clarenden's History, Sir Philip Warwick's and Ludlow's Memoirs, &c. 1714
Author The divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, proved to be the primitive and apostolick doctrine of the Catholick Church: with a curious remark on the validity of the Sibylline oracles. Translated from the Latin of the Right Reverend Dr. George Bull, late Lord Bishop of St. David's. By a presbyter of the Church of England. 1714
Author The life and character of Jane Shore, collected from our best historians, chiefly from the writings of Sir Thomas More, Who was Her Cotemporary, and Personally knew Her. Humbly offer'd to the readers and spectators of her tragedy written by Mr. Rowe. Inscrib'd to Mrs. Old Field. 1714
Author The life and character of Jane Shore. Collected from our best historians, chiefly from the writings of Sir Thomas More; who was her Cotemporary, and Personally knew Her. Humbly offer'd to the readers and spectators of her tragedy written by Mr. Rowe. Inscrib'd to Mrs. Oldfield. 1714
Author The life and character of Jane Shore. Collected from our best historians, chiefly from the writings of Sir Thomas More; Who was her Cotemporary, and Personally knew her. Humbly offer'd to the readers and spectators of her tragedy written by Mr. Rowe. Inscrib'd to Mrs. Oldfield. The Second Edition. 1714
Author The second volume of the Examiners: beginning on Thursday the 6th of December, 1711, and ending on Monday the 29th of December, 1712. 1714
Author The third volume of the Examiners: beginning on Friday the 2d of January, 1712, and ending on Monday the 11th of May, 1713. 1714
Author Trojan tales, related by Ulysses, Helenus, Hector, Achilles, and Priam. 1714
Author Who runs next: or, the Lord B--ke's confession. Found in his closet since his departure for France. Faithfully publish'd from the original by Mr. Dean S-. To which are added, some other papers relating to the Earl of Mortimer, M-w P-r, Esq; and the rest of the late managers. 1714
Author A compendious system of divinity, in a new catechetical method: design'd for the benefit I.Of such as are young beginners. II. Of such as have made some proficiency in religion. And, III. Of the more grown and experienc'd Christians. 1715
Author A hymn to be sung on the thanksgiving day. 1715
Author A letter to the Earl of O----d, directing him how to make his peace, and obtain his pardon. 1715
Author A letter to the free-holders of Great-Britain; Occasion'd by the cry of the Danger of the Church. 1715
Author A memorial deliver'd by Mr. Prior, Envoy-Extraordinary of his Britannick Majesty, to His most Christian Majesty, against The Fortifying the Ports and Harbours of Dunkirk and Mardike. The French King's Answer thereunto. A Memorial deliver'd to his Britannick Majesty in Holland, in Favour of the French Protestant Galley-Slaves. With the King's most Gracious Answer. The Buckinghamshire Electors Instructions to their Representatives, &c. The Citizens of London's Instructions to their Representatives. As Also the Protests of the Lords against the Clandestine Steps taken for a Separate Peace. Humbly offer'd to the Consideration of the Honourable House of Commons. 1715
Author A memorial deliver'd by Mr. Prior, Envoy-Extraordinary to his Britannick Majesty, to his most Christian Majesty, against the fortifying the ports and harbours of Dunkirk and Mardike. The French King's answer thereunto. A memorial deliver'd to his Britannick Majesty in Holland, in Favour of the French Protestant Galley-Slaves. With the King's most Gracious Answer. The Buckinghamshire Electors Instructions to their Representatives, &c. The Citizens of London's Instructions to their Representatives. As Also the Protests of the Lords against the Clandestine Steps taken for a Separate Peace. Humbly offer'd to the Consideration of the Honourable House of Commons. The Second Edition. 1715
Author A review of the report of the secret committee; digested into alphabetical order, which distinguishes the transactions of the late ministers one from another. And is also an useful and easy index to the report, by exact References to the Pages of both the Folio Edition, and that in Twelves. 1715
Author An essay to prove women have no souls. Compos'd of several arguments publish'd by S. Clarke, D. D. Rector of St. James's Westminster. 1715
Author Reasons against impeaching the late ministry. Being a full answer to all that has been alledg'd for an impeachment. 1715
Author Reasons for repealing the Occasional and Schism-Acts. To which is added, A true and correct list of the Lords and Commons of the Fifth Parliament of Great-Britain, to meet at Westminster, the 17th of March. Dedicated to a certain Earl. 1715
Author Reflections on the management of some late party-disputes, and the notorious abuse of the words church, Schismatick, fanatick, &c. and upon the present conduct of those called High-Church, Shewing how Destructive it hath been both to Religion and Civil Society. With a postscript to the present jacobites. 1715
Author Some considerations on the danger of the church from her own clergy. Humbly Offer'd to the Lower-House of Convocation. 1715

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"Unknown" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 2529, Accessed 2025-03-29.

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