ID 3123
Last Name d'Aulnoy
First Name Marie-Catherine
Title Madame
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1651
Date of Death 1705-01-14
Place of Birth Honfleur
Place of Death Paris
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Image URL'Aulnoy.jpg


Displaying 1–25 of 41

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Author Memoirs of the court of England. In two parts. By the Countess of Dunois, Author of the ingenious and diverting Letters of The Lady's Travels into Spain. Writ during Her Residence in that Court. Now made English. To which is added, The lady's pacquet of letters, Taken from her by a French Privateer in her Passage to Holland. Suppos'd to be Written by several Men of Quality. Brought over from St. Malo's by an English Officer at the last Exchange of Prisoners. 1707
Author Memoirs of the Court of England: in the reign of King Charles II. Containing the amours of that Prince, The Duke of Monmouth, Earl of Argyle. - of Buckingham, - of A - n Earl of Oxford - Lord Grey, &c. - St. Albans. In two parts. By the Countess of Dunois, Author of the Ingenious Diverting Letters of The Lady's Travels into Spain. Writ during her residence in that Court. The second edition, corrected. To which is added, The lady's packet of letters, Taken from her by a French Privateer in her Passage to Holland. Suppos'd to be Written by several Men of Quality. Brought over from St. Malo's by an English Officer at the last Exchange of Prisoners. 1708
Author Bribery in perfection; or, A nation sold, with the exemplary punishment, and terrible fate, of the guilty and their families; being fresh advices from the new Atlantis. Written in French by the famous Madam Dunois, author of the ladies travels into Spain. In this Account is not only shewn the Vices, Follies, and Corruptions of the People of Atalantis in General, but the Particular Characters of the Great Men, who were found Guilty and Punished. 1721
Author The court of Queen Mab: containing a select collection of only the best, most instructive, and entertaining tales of the fairies : viz. Gracious and Percient. The Fear One with Golden Locks. The Blue Bird. The Invisible Prince. The Princess Verenata. The Princess Rosetta. The Golden Bough. The Orange-Tree and the Bee. The little good Mouse. Written by the Countess d'Aulnoi; adorned with curious cuts. To which are added, A fairy tale in the ancient English style, by Dr. Parnell: and Queen Mab's song. 1752
Author The British remembrancer: containing, a new history of England, ecclesiastical and civil, from the happy state of the primitive Britons to the present time; with the character of each monarch, from William the Conqueror to his present Majesty King George II. inclusive. By Mother Bunch. Illustrated with the Heads of all the Kings and Queens from the Conquest. 1756
Author A collection of novels and tales of the fairies. Written by that celebrated wit of France, the Countess d'Anois. In three volumes. The fifth edition. Translated from the best edition of the original French, by several hands. 1767
Author Queen Mab: containing a select collection of only the best, most instructive, and entertaining tales of the fairies : viz. Gracious and Percient. The Fear One with Golden Locks. The Blue Bird. The Invisible Prince. The Princess Verenata. The Princess Rosetta. The Golden Bough. The Orange-Tree and the Bee. The little good Mouse. Written by the Countess d'Aulnoi; adorned with curious cuts. To which are added, A fairy tale in the ancient English style, by Dr. Parnell: and Queen Mab's song. 1770
Author Mother Bunch's fairy tales: published for the amusement of all those little masters and misses who, by duty to their parents, and obedience to their superiors, aim at becoming great lords and ladies. Adorned with copper-plate cuts. 1773
Author Mother Bunch's fairy tales: published for the amusement of all those little masters and misses who, by duty to their parents, and obedience to their superiors, aim at becoming great lords and ladies. 1776
Author Mother Bunch's fairy tales: published for the amusement of all those little masters and misses who, by duty to their parents, and obedience to their superiors, aim at becoming great lords and ladies. 1784
Author Mother Bunch's fairy tales: published for the amusement of all those little masters and misses who, by duty to their parents, and obedience to their superiors, aim at becoming great lords and ladies. 1790
Author The pleasing companion, a collection of fairy tales, calculated to improve the heart: the whole forming a system of moral precepts and examples for the conduct of youth through life: containing Princess Hebe & Anguiletta, Graciosa and Percinet, Story of Finetta, Princess Carpilona, Story of the white cat, Yellow dwarf, Pigeon and dove, Young and Handsome. Ornamented with elegant cuts. 1790
Author The pleasing companion; a collection of fairy tales, calculated to improve the heart: the whole forming a system of moral precepts and examples for the conduct of youth through life: containing Princess Hebe, Graciosa and Percinet, Story of Finetta, Princess Carpilona, The white cat, The yellow dwarf, Pigeon and dove, Young and Handsome. Ornamented with elegant cuts. 1794
Author Mother Bunch's Fairy Tales. Published for the Amusement of all those Little Master and Misses who, by Duty to their Parents, and Obedience to their Superiors, aim at becoming Great Lords and Ladies. Adorned with Copperplate Cuts. 1795
Author The Renowned History of the White Cat, and other interesting stories. Adorned with cuts. 1795
Author Mother Bunch's fairy tales: published for the amusement of all those little masters and misses who, by duty to their parents, and obedience to their superiors, aim at becoming great lords and ladies. 1799
Author Queen Mab: containing a select collection of only the best, most instructive, and entertaining tales of the fairies; Viz. 1. Graciosa and Percinet. 2. The Fair One with Golden Locks. 3. The Blue Bird. 4. The Invisible Prince. 5. The Princess Verenata. 6. The Princess Rosetta. 7. The Golden Bough. 8. The Orange-Tree and the Bee. 9. The Little Good Mouse. Written by the Countess D’Aulnoi. Adorned with Curious Cuts. To which are added, A fairy tale, in the ancient English style, by Dr. Parnell: and Queen Mab’s song. The fifth edition. 1799
Author Mother Bunch's fairy tales: published for the amusement of all those little masters and misses who, by duty to their parents, and obedience to their superiors, aim at becoming great lords and ladies. Adorned with Copper-plate cuts. 1802
Author The Renowned History of Prince Chery and Princess Fair-Star. Also the story of the pigeon and the dove. 1803
Author The Renowned History ot the White Cat, and other interesting stories. Adorned with cuts. 1803
Author The History of Fortunio, and His Famous Companions. Also, The Wishes, an Arabian Tale. Adorned with Plates. 1805
Author The Renowned History of the White Cat, and other interesting stories. Adorned with cuts. 1806
Author The history of the white cat : with three copper-plates. A new edition. 1808
Author The History of Fortunio, and his Famous Companions. 1810
Author The History of Fortunio, and his Famous Companions. 1812

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"d'Aulnoy, Marie-Catherine" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 3123, Accessed 2025-03-24.

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