Mother Bunch's fairy tales: published for the amusement of all those little masters and misses who, by duty to their parents, and obedience to their superiors, aim at becoming great lords and ladies.
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d'Aulnoy, Marie-Catherine. Mother Bunch's fairy tales: published for the amusement of all those little masters and misses who, by duty to their parents, and obedience to their superiors, aim at becoming great lords and ladies.The Women's Print History Project, 2019,
title ID 12032,
d'Aulnoy, Marie-Catherine. Mother Bunch's fairy tales: published for the amusement of all those little masters and misses who, by duty to their parents, and obedience to their superiors, aim at becoming great lords and ladies. London: Elizabeth Newbery, 1784.
@book{ wphp_12032 author={d'Aulnoy,Marie-Catherine}, year={1784}, title={Mother Bunch's fairy tales: published for the amusement of all those little masters and misses who, by duty to their parents, and obedience to their superiors, aim at becoming great lords and ladies.}, publisher={Elizabeth Newbery}, address={London}, }
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