There are 13 titles associated with this person.

Home, John. Agis: a tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. By the author of Douglas. To which is prefixed, the story of the tragedy of Agis. With observations on the play, the performance, and the reception. Dublin: Alice James, George and Alexander Ewing, James Hoey, Junior [Skinner Row], Peter Wilson [Dame St, 1748–66], John Exshaw I [Dame Street], W. Williamson, Richard Watts [Dublin], Laurence Flin [Temple Court], William Sleater I [Cork Hill], Benjamin Gunn (also Gunne), James Rudd, William Watson I, Richard Smith, 1758.
Home, John. The seige of Aquileia. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Dublin: Alice James, Samuel Smith [Dublin], William Smith II [Dame Street], William Smith IV [Dame Street], James Potts, Hulton Bradley, Richard Watts [Dublin], Matthew Williamson [Dame Street], 1760.
Lillo, George, Ambrose Philips, Colley Cibber, Joseph Addison, Henry Jones, John Brown, John Hughes, Richard Glover, Arthur Murphy, William Whitehead, Benjamin Hoadly, Edmund Smith, Edward Moore, Henry Woodward, Samuel Foote, John Home, Nathaniel Lee, Aaron Hill, John Vanbrugh, George Farquhar, David Garrick, William Congreve, Susanna Centlivre, Richard Steele, John Dryden, Robert Howard, Thomas Southerne, Edward Young, James Thomson, Nicholas Rowe, Thomas Otway, and Henry Fielding. The New English Theatre in Twelve Volumes, containing the most valuable plays which have been acted on the London stage. London: John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington], James Dodsley, George Robinson [ii], Thomas Cadell [London], Thomas Longman II, Samuel Bladon [Paper Mill, Paternoster Row], William Nicoll, Thomas Becket [Strand], Thomas Davies [Russell Street], Robert Baldwin I, Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street], Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795], Charles Bathurst [26 Fleet Street], William Johnston [Ludgate Street], William Flexney [319 Holborn], James Robson, William Owen, Thomas Caslon, William Strahan, William Woodfall, Robert Horsfield, William Owen and Son, Benjamin White, Edward Dilly, James Barker [Drury Lane], Lockyer Davis [High Holborn], 1776.
Johnson, Samuel, Elijah Fenton, John Brown, David Mallet, William Shakespeare, George Villiers, Hannah Cowley, Hugh Kelly, Thomas Hull, Henry Brooke, John Hawkesworth, George Farquhar, Charles Shadwell, James Thomson, George Lillo, George (. e. Colman, John Dryden, John Vanbrugh, Hall Hartson, Thomas Southerne, William Havard, Robert Howard, Aaron Hill, Joseph Addison, John Home, Nicholas Rowe, Isaac Bickerstaff, David Garrick, James Shirley, Allan Ramsay, John Milton, Ben Jonson, Nathaniel Lee, William Congreve, Richard Cumberland, Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher, Colley Cibber, Edward Young, William Whitehead, William Wycherley, John Hughes, Arthur Murphy, Susanna Centlivre, William Shirley, Oliver Goldsmith, Richard Steele, James Miller, Richard Glover, Henry Jones, Charles Johnson, and Thomas Otway. Bell's British Theatre. Consisting of the Most Esteemed English Plays. London: John Bell [90 Strand], George Cawthorn, Apollo Press, 1797.
Addison, Joseph, Aaron Hill, Ambrose Philips, Thomas Southerne, Nathaniel Lee, Philip Massinger, George Farquhar, John Fletcher, John P. Kemble, William Shakespeare, John Dryden, Arthur Murphy, John Home, George (. y. Colman, John Tobin, Joanna Baillie, Francis Beaumont, James Thomson, Benjamin Hoadly, Charles Macklin, Edward Moore, William Whitehead, William Shirley, David Garrick, Hall Hartson, Robert Jephson, Edward Young, John Gay, George Lillo, John Vanbrugh, John O'Keeffe, James Miller, William Congreve, Thomas Morton, Frederick Reynolds, Henry Jones, Hannah Cowley, John Burgoyne, Oliver Goldsmith, Susanna Centlivre, John Hughes, Richard Steele, Thomas Otway, Henry Brooke, Nicholas Rowe, Colley Cibber, Richard Cumberland, Isaac Bickerstaff, Ben Jonson, and Richard B. Sheridan. The British Theatre; or, A collection of plays, which are acted at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and Haymarket. Printed under the authority of the managers from the prompt books. With critical and biographical remarks, by Mrs. Inchbald. In twenty-five volumes. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1808.
Burgoyne, John, Charles Macklin, Samuel Foote, James Townley, Kane O'Hara, Henry Carey, John Gay, Richard B. Sheridan, Richard Cumberland, Oliver Goldsmith, George (. e. Colman, Henry Fielding, Susanna Centlivre, Richard Steele, George Farquhar, Isaac Bickerstaff, Colley Cibber, John Vanbrugh, David Garrick, William Wycherley, Robert Howard, George Villiers, John Milton, Horace Walpole, Hall Hartson, Benjamin Franklin, Arthur Murphy, Robert Dodsley, John Home, John Brown, Henry Jones, Richard Glover, Edward Moore, William Mason, William Whitehead, Samuel Johnson, James Thomson, James Miller, Henry Brooke, William Havard, Aaron Hill, Benjamin Hoadly, George Lillo, Elijah Fenton, Edward Young, John Hughes, Ambrose Philips, Joseph Addison, Nicholas Rowe, William Congreve, Thomas Southerne, Thomas Otway, John Dryden, Nathaniel Lee, Philip Massinger, Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher, William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, and Frances Brooke. The Modern British Drama. In five volumes. London: William Miller [Albemarle Street], 1811.
Pilon, Frederick, George (. e. Colman, Edward Moore, Robert Dodsley, Isaac Bickerstaff, David Garrick, Hugh Kelly, Oliver Goldsmith, Richard Steele, Colley Cibber, John Vanbrugh, John Home, George Lillo, Nicholas Rowe, and Frances Brooke. The English Drama Purified: Being a Specimen of Select Plays, in which all the passages that have appeared to the editor to be objectionable in point of morality, are omitted or altered. With prefaces and notes. By James Plumptre, B.D. Fellow of Clark-Hall, Cambridge. Cambridge: 1812.
Fielding, Henry, William Wycherley, Nicholas Rowe, Benjamin Hoadly, Frances Brooke, Thomas Knight, Samuel Foote, Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher, Charles Dibdin, John Vanbrugh, Hannah Cowley, John Home, Kane O'Hara, Charles Macklin, Joseph Addison, George Lillo, John P. Kemble, Sophia Lee, Edward Moore, Arthur Murphy, Philip Massinger, Richard B. Sheridan, Richard Cumberland, Colley Cibber, Isaac Bickerstaff, George (. e. Colman, John Gay, William Shakespeare, Nathaniel Lee, Oliver Goldsmith, Thomas Otway, Susanna Centlivre, Matthew G. Lewis, Thomas Holcroft, David Garrick, George Farquhar, Andrew Cherry, Ambrose Philips, Samuel Beazley, Daniel Terry, Isaac Pocock, Richard L. Sheil, and C. F. Walker. The English Drama, with prefatory remarks, biographical sketches, and notes, critical and explanatory; being the only edition existing which is faithfully marked with the stage business and stage directions, as performed at the Theatres Royal. Edited by W. Oxberry, Comedian. London: W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, Clement Chapple [66 Pall Mall], 1818.
Shakespeare, William, Mary R. Mitford, Philip Massinger, Joseph Addison, Nicholas Rowe, George Farquhar, Charles Macklin, Edward Moore, Thomas Holcroft, Susanna Centlivre, Arthur Murphy, John Gay, Colley Cibber, John Vanbrugh, Isaac Bickerstaff, Richard Cumberland, Thomas Otway, Hannah Cowley, Benjamin Hoadly, John Home, Richard B. Sheridan, Oliver Goldsmith, George (. y. Colman, David Garrick, Elizabeth Inchbald, James Kenney, Samuel Foote, Wally C. Oulton, Peter Bayley, Kane O'Hara, Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher, John Burgoyne, John Tobin, James Townley, Matthew G. Lewis, Edward Young, John P. Kemble, Thomas Morton, John Brown, John O'Keeffe, John T. Allingham, William Congreve, Thomas Dibdin, William Wycherley, Frederick Reynolds, William Macready, Andrew Cherry, Prince Hoare, Walter Scott, Thomas Southerne, Thomas Knight, Maria T. Kemble, Samuel Birch, William Pearce, Robert Jephson, James Cobb, George Soane, John Milton, Henry Fielding, John Banim, Margaret Davidson, George Gordon, Nathaniel Lee, Samuel J. Arnold, Charles Johnson, James S. Knowles, W. Rowley, James R. Planche, John H. Payne, Joseph Lunn, John Poole, Joseph Ebsworth, George Daniel, Benjamin Thompson, Jean-Nicolas Bouilly, William T. Moncrieff, Richard Ayton, Charles Thompson, Thomas A. Arne, Ernst Raupach, R. Talbot, Jasper Mayne, J. Thomas, Charles Shannon, Richard B. Glengall, Edward Fitzball, Richard B. Peake, John B. Buckstone, Caroline Boaden, James Dibdin, James B. Burges, George H. Rodwell, Michael R. Lacy, Isaac Pocock, Charles A. Somerset, Benjamin Webster, S. Penley, Douglas Jerrold, Theodore E. Hook, James V. Millingen, Don T. de Trueba Cosio, Barham Linus, Henry Hartwell, Richard J. Raymond, George MacFarren, William B. Bernard, Thomas Mayhew, Charles M. Westmacott, Richard Ryan, G. Smith, John M. Morton, Gilbert Abbott a Beckett, William B. Rhodes, Daniel Terry, Charles R. Maturin, William L. Rede, George W. Lovell, Richard James, John W. Calcraft, Mark Lemon, George H. Boker, George J. Bennett, William Dimond, James H. L. Hunt, Eugène Scribe, Mrs. Davidson, John Webster, Adolphe d'Ennery, Marc Fournier, Charles Webb, and Edmund Kean. Cumberland's British Theatre, with remarks, biographical and critical. Printed from the acting copies, as performed at the Theatres Royal, London. London: John Cumberland [19 Ludgate Hill], 1829.