ID 4005
Last Name Dodd II
First Name Anne
Gender Female
Date of Birth
Date of Death 1757
Place of Birth
Place of Death London
Related Firms Anne Dodd II
Anne Dodd I
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Displaying 201–223 of 223

Role Title Date
Publisher The rover; Or, Happiness at last: a pastoral drama, as it was intended for the Theatre. 1752
Bookseller The wreath. A collection of all the favourite new songs sung by the most eminent performers, at the theatres, Ranelagh, Vauxhall, &c. &c. &c. 1752
Printer The wreath. A collection of all the favourite new songs sung by the most eminent performers, at the theatres, Ranelagh, Vauxhall, &c. &c. &c. 1752
Printer A True and exact description of the island of Shetland, Containing an account of its situation, trade, produce, and inhabitants. Together with an account of the great white herring fishery of that place, and the methods the Dutch use in catching, curing, and disposing of the Herrings they catch there; and the prodigious advantage Britain may receive from thence. With many other curious particulars. The Second Edition. 1753
Bookseller A True and exact description of the island of Shetland, Containing an account of its situation, trade, produce, and inhabitants. Together with an account of the great white herring fishery of that place, and the methods the Dutch use in catching, curing, and disposing of the Herrings they catch there; and the prodigious advantage Britain may receive from thence. With many other curious particulars. The Second Edition. 1753
Bookseller Progymnasmata Hellēnika. Autore Roberto Hingeston A. M. Scholae Regiae Apud Gippovicenses in Agro Sudovolgarum Archididascalo. 1753
Publisher Some considerations on the game laws, and the present practice in executing them; with a hint to the non-subscribers. 1753
Bookseller A short account of the eye and nature of vision. Chiefly designed to illustrate the use and advantage of spectacles. Wherein Are laid down Rules for chusing Glasses proper for remedying all the different Defects of sight. As also Some reasons for preferring a particular kind of Glass, fitter than any other made Use of for that Purpose. The third edition. By James Ayscough, optician. 1754
Publisher Put money in your purse, or, The golden rule. A conversation-piece, not in painting, but poesy. A satire with notes. 1754
Publisher The spleen. An epistle inscribed to his particular friend Mr. C. J. By the late Mr. Matthew Green, of the Custom-house, London. The second edition. 1754
Bookseller A collection of forms of prayer for every day in the week. The Fifth Edition. 1755
Publisher A narrative of the life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke, (youngest daughter of Colley Cibber, Esq;) Containing, I. An Account of her Birth, Education, and mad Pranks committed in her Youth. II. Her coming on the Stage; Success there; and sundry Theatrical Anecdotes. III. Her Marriage to Mr. Charke, and its Consequences. IV. Her Adventures in Mens Cloaths, and being belov'd by a Lady of great Fortune, who intended to marry her. V. Her being Gentleman to a certain Peer. VI. Her commencing Scrolling - Player; with various and surprizing Vicissitudes of Fortune, during nine Years Peregrination. VII. Her turning Pastry Cook, &c. in Wales. With several extremely humourous and interesting Occurrences. written by herself. 1755
Publisher A narrative of the life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke, (youngest daughter of Colley Cibber, Esq;) Containing, I. An Account of her Birth, Education, and mad Pranks committed in her Youth. II. Her coming on the Stage; Success there; and sundry Theatrical Anecdotes. III. Her Marriage to Mr. Charks, and its Consequences. IV. Her Adventures in Mens Cloaths, going by the Name of Mr. Brown, and being belov'd by a Lady of great Fortune, who intended to marry her. V. Her being Gentleman to a certain Peer. VI. Her commencing Scrolling - Player; with various and surprizing vicissirudes [sic] of Fortune, during nine Years Peregrination. VII. Her turning Pastry Cook, &c. in Wales. With several extremely humourons [sic] and interesting Occarrences [sic]. Written by herself. The Second Edition. 1755
Publisher A short account of the eye and nature of vision. Chiefly designed to illustrate the use and advantage of spectacles. Wherein Are laid down Rules for chusing Glasses proper for remedying all the different Defects of sight. As also Some reasons for preferring a particular Kind of Glass, fitter than any other made Use of for that Purpose. By James Ayscough, optician. The Fourth Edition. 1755
Bookseller Alexander the corrector's humble address and earnest application to our most gracious King, the Right Honourable the House of Lords, and the Honourable House of Commons; shewing the necessity of appointing a corrector of the people, or taking some effectual measures for a speedy and a thorow Reformation; and that this important affair requires the serious and immediate consideration and vigorous and effectual resolution of his Majesty and both Houses of Parliament. With some account of Alexander the corrector the Author of the much esteemed Concordance of the Bible; and an Account of the Prophesies of some pious Ministers of the Gospel, foretelling that Alexander's Afflictions are designed by Divine Providence to be an Introduction and Preparation to his being a Joseph and an useful prosperous Man. 1755
Bookseller Primitive physick: or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases. The Fifth Edition, corrected and enlarged. 1755
Bookseller The adventures of Alexander the corrector. The third part. Giving an account of his wonderful escape from an academy at Bethnal-Green by cutting with a knife the bedstead to which he was chained: and of the dissolution of the pretended Court of the Blind-Bench in the Poultry, and their designs against the corrector. And an account of his application at St. James's palace for the honour of knight-hood, and his conduct at Guildhall as a candidate for one of the representatives in Parliament of this great metropolis. With an account of his law-adventures while he acted the part of a counsellor in the King's-Bench in Westminster-hall. To which is added a history of his love-adventures, with his letters and a declaration of war sent to the amiable Mrs. Whitaker, a lady of a shining character and of great revenues. Interspersed with various religious reflexions, shewing the necessity of appointing a corrector of the people, or of taking some effectual measures for a speedy and thorow reformation. 1755
Publisher The laugher; or, The art of jesting: shewing every man in his humour, from the throne to the cottage; in particular of kings, queens and princes. Of noblemen and ambassadors. Of Gentlemen and Ladies. Of Gallants and Upstarts. Of Soldiers. Of Travellers. Of Politicians. Of Gamesters. Of Popes and Prelates. Of Poets and Musicians. Of Physick and Physicians. Of Lawyers. Of Love and Lovers. Of Husbands and Wives. Of Women. Of Dress. Of Jesters. Of Servants. Of Fools. Of Countrymen and Clowns. Of Thieves. Of Sharpers. Of Beggars. Of drunkards. Of noses, &c. &c. 1755
Publisher The laugher; or, The art of jesting: shewing every man in his humour, from the throne to the cottage; in particular of kings, queens and princes. Of noblemen and ambassadors. Of Gentlemen and Ladies. Of Gallants and Upstarts. Of Soldiers. Of Travellers. Of Politicians. Of Gamesters. Of Popes and Prelates. Of Poets and Musicians. Of Physick and Physicians. Of Lawyers. Of Love and Lovers. Of Husbands and Wives. Of Women. Of Dress. Of Jesters. Of Servants. Of Fools. Of Countrymen and Clowns. Of Thieves. Of Sharpers. Of Beggars. Of drunkards. Of noses, &c. &c. The Second Edition. 1755
Bookseller A form of prayer, For the use of private families, and Particular persons. Compos'd on Occasion of The late Dreadful Earthquakes, And now Publish'd Pursuant to His Majesty's pious Order, for a General Fast, to be religiously kept on the 6th of February, 1756. To which is added, An Hymn, suitable to the Occasion, for Children to learn by Heart. By a Divine of the Church of England. 1756
Publisher A letter humbly address'd to the Right Honourable the Earl of Chesterfield. By Mrs. Teresia Constantia Muilman. Third edition. 1756
Bookseller The corrector's earnest address to the inhabitants of Great-Britain. Shewing that the late earthquakes, and our being at war with a powerful nation, are loud calls from divine providence for a speedy and a thorow reformation, and for favouring the corrector's honest designs for that purpose. With an account of his earnest application to Parliament for an act to enable him to carry his good designs into execution. As also, an account of his visiting, as corrector of the people, last summer, the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Eton-College, Windsor, and Tunbridge, and lately Westminster-School. Interspersed with many religious admonitions and reflexions, shewing the necessity and importance of appointing a corrector of the people, or of taking some effectual measures for a speedy and a thorow reformation. 1756
Bookseller A short account of the eye and nature of vision. Chiefly designed to illustrate the use and advantage of spectacles. Wherein Are laid down Rules for chusing Glasses proper for remedying all the different Defects of sight. As also Some reasons for preferring a particular Kind of Glass, fitter than any other made Use of for that Purpose. By James Ayscough, optician. The Fifth Edition. 1757

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"Dodd II, Anne" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 4005, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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