Displaying 1–25 of 6246

ID Last name First name Gender Date of Birth Date of Death
5346 Brewster Martha Wadsworth Female 04-01-1710 c. 1757
12308 al-Wāqidī Muḥammad ibn ʿUmar Male 747 823
3511 Aesop Male 620 BCE 564 BCE
706 Æschylus Male 523 BC 456 BC
12325 Sophocles Male 496 406
12426 Crispus Gaius Sallustius Male 86 BC 34 BC
5294 Christ Jesus Male 4 BC 30/33 AD
869 Trollope Frances Eleanor Female 1835-08 1913-08-14
745 Grey Maria Female 1816-03-07 1906-09-19
3110 Montagu Eleanor Louisa Female 1811 1903
3063 Chetwynd Mrs. Henry Wayland Female 1901
6294 Bennett Mary E. Female 1813 1899-12-01
390 Swanwick Anna Female 1813-06-22 1899-11-02
3984 Cowell Elizabeth Susan Female 1812 1899-09-29
10097 Traill Catherine Parr Strickland Female 1802-01-09 1899-08-29
11914 McLellan Isaac, Jr Male 1806-05-21 1899-08-20
781 Traill Catharine Parr Female 1802-01-09 1899-08
4510 d'Ennery Adolphe Male 1811-06-17 1899-01-25
3584 Saunders Mary Female 1813 1899
8333 Leiris Mathilde Female 1801 1899
6061 Reason Patrick Henry Male 1816-03-17 1898-08-12
3977 Blyth Phoebe Female 1816-04-05 1898-02-12
89 Clarke Mary Cowden Female 1809-06-22 1898-01-12
3262 Barton Lucy Female 1808 1898
6685 Sartain John Male 1808-10-24 1897-10-25