Name Illustrator

 The person who created the image from which any engravings were created. Usually different than the Engraver.


Displaying 26–50 of 374

Person Title
Bourlier, Marie Anne A Book of Four large Heads for Chalk Drawing, by Bourlier.
Bowen, Abel A natural history of the most remarkable quadrupeds, birds, fishes, serpents, reptiles, and insects.
Bowen, Abel The Ladies' companion, containing first, politeness of manners and behaviour from the French of the Abbe de Bellegarde. Second, Fenelon on education--Third, Miss More's essays--Fourth, Dean Swift's letter to a young lady newly married--Fifth, Moore's fables for the female sex. Carefully selected and revised by a lady, in the county of Worcester, Mass. ; [One line of quotation
Briggs, Henry Perronet Tales from American history. By the author of "American popular lessons," etc. ; In three volumes. (Each volume comprising a distinct subject, and complete in itself.) Vol. I[-III]. ... ; For the use of young persons and schools
Brook, H. The young naturalist; a tale. By Alicia Catherine Mant, author of "Ellen, the young godmother," "Tales for Ellen," &c
Brooke, William Henry The wars of the Jews, as related by Josephus, ; adapted to the capacities of young persons. ; Illustrated by twenty-four engravings, after original designs by Mr. Brooke
Brooke, William Henry The Adventures of Little Downy, or, The History of a Field Mouse: a Moral Tale. By Miss Black.
Brooke, William Henry The Lay of the Minstrel's Daughter. A Poem, in Six Cantos. By Margaret Harvey. Dedicated, by Permission, to His Grace the Duke of Northumberland
Brown, W. H. The works of Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. A new edition, in fifteen [i.e., twelve] volumes. With an essay on his life and genius, by Arthur Murphy, Esq.
Bunbury, Henry William An Academy for Grown Horsemen; containing The Completest Instructions For walking, trotting, cantering, galloping, stumbling, and tumbling. By Geoffrey Gambado, Esq. Riding Master, Master of the Horse, and Grand Equerry to the Doge of Venice. Illustrated with twelve caricatures, from designs by Bunbury.
Burney, Edward Francis The stolen boy. A story. Founded on facts. By Mrs. Hofland, author of The officer's widow, Clergyman's widow, Daughter-in-law, Sisters, Panorama of Europe, &c. ; [Three lines from Shakespeare
Burney, Edward Francis William and his Uncle Ben. A tale. By Mrs. Hofland, author of The clergyman's widow; Merchant's widow; Blind farmer; Barbadoes girl; Affectionate brothers; Sisters; Young northern traveller; Young Crusoe; Good grandmother; Panorama of Europe; Daughters-in-law, &c. ; [Four lines of verse by Crabbe
Burney, Edward Francis The blind farmer and his children. By Mrs Hofland. Author of The Clergyman's Widow; Merchant's Widow; Young Crusoe; Daughter in Law; Young Northern Traveller; Panorama of Europe; Barbadoes Girl; Affectionate Brothers; Good Grandmother; Sisters, &c.
Byrne, Letitia A Descriptive Account of the Mansion and Gardens of White-Knights, a seat of his Grace the Duke of Marlborough. By Mrs. Hofland.
Byrne, Letitia Turnbridge Wells, and Its Neighbourhood, Illustrated by a Series of Etchings and Historical Descriptions. By Paul Amsinck, Esq. The Etchings Executed by Letitia Byrne.
Cattermole, George Views in the East; comprising India, Canton, and the Shores of the Red Sea. With Historical and Descriptive Illustrations. By Captain Robert Elliot R. N.
Cattermole, George Views in India, China, and on the Shores of the Red Sea; Drawn by Prout, Stanfield, Cattermole, Purser, Cox, Austen, &c, from Original Sketches by Commander Robert Elliott, R.N. With Descriptions by Emma Roberts.
Charles, William Harvest home representing the progress of wheat in a series of elegant engravings.
Codman, Charles The Portland sketch book. Edited by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens.
Collins, William The American juvenile keepsake, for 1836. [Two lines from Young] Edited by Mrs. Hofland
Collins, William The American juvenile keepsake. [Two lines from Young] Edited by Mrs. Hofland
Collins, William The American juvenile keepsake, for 1835. [Two lines from Young] Edited by Mrs. Hofland
Comerford, John Psyche, with other poems. By the late Mrs. Henry Tighe.
Cooke, William Bernard Richmond, and its Surrounding Scenery, Engraved by and under the Direction of W. B. Cooke; with Descriptive Letterpress, by Mrs. Hofland; Containing Twenty-Four Plates.
Cooke, William Bernard Richmond, and its Surrounding Scenery, Engraved by and under the Direction of W. B. Cooke; with Descriptive Letterpress, by Mrs. Hofland; Containing Twenty-Four Plates. Part 2.