Name Contributor

A person who contributed to a work in some way. Used when no more specific term was supplied.


Displaying 1–25 of 2401

Person Title
George III His Britannic Majesty's speech, &c. New-York, February 13. Yesterday His Majesty's ship Narcissus, Captain Edward Edwards, arrived here in eight weeks from England, by which we are favoured with His Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Tuesday the 17th of November, 1781
George III Baltimore, February 15. His Britannic Majesty's speech to both Houses of Parliament
George III Baltimore, February 25, 1780. The following speech was received by the sloop William ... His Britannic Majesty's speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday, November 25, 1779
George III Baltimore, February 4, 1777. The speech of George the Third, tyrant of Great Britain, to his venal Parliament, delivered October 31, 1776
George III Baltimore, February 4, 1779. Captain Martin, in the sloop Porpoise, is just arrived at Annapolis, from Nantz, in France. From the London general advertiser, and morning intelligencer, of the 27th of November last, we have extracted his Britannic Majesty's speech ... His Britannic Majesty's speech. House of Lords. Thursday, November 27 [i.e., 26], 1778.
A. M. My mother, a poem
Abbot, Abiel The Seymour family, or, Domestic scenes. [Five lines of prose from Buckminster
Abbott, Jacob Narratives of little Henry and his bearer; the amiable Louisa; and Ann Eliza Williams
Abel, Clarke The Children's miscellany: being a collection of amusing and instructive facts, stories, anecdotes, &c
Abernethy, John A treatise on the diseases of females. By William P. Dewees, M.D. adjunct professor of midwifery in the University of Pennsylvania; member of the American Philosophical Society; of the Royal Medical Society of Denmark, &c. &c
Addison, Joseph The grandmother's gift, or, Moral stories for children
Addison, Joseph God's mercy surmounting man's cruelty, exemplified in the captivity and redemption of Elizabeth Hanson, wife of John Hanson, of Knoxmarsh at Kecheachy, in Dover township, who was taken captive with her children, and maid-servant, by the Indians in New-England, in the year 1724. : In which are inserted, sundry remarkable preservations, deliverances, and marks of the care and kindness of Providence over her and her children, worthy to be remembered. The substance of which was taken from her own mouth, and now published for general service
Addison, Joseph God's mercy surmounting man's cruelty. Exemplified in the captivity and redemption of Elizabeth Hanson, wife of John Hanson, of Knoxmarsh at Kecheachy, in Dover township, who was taken captive with her children and maid-servant, by the Indians in New-England, in the year 1724. : In which are inserted, sundry remarkable preservations, providences and marks of the care and kindness of Providence over her and her children, worthy to be remembered. The substance of which was taken from her own mouth, and now published for general service
Aikin, Edmund Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. By Lucy Aikin
Aikin, Edmund Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. By Lucy Aikin. ; In two volumes. Vol. I[-II
Aikin, John Ela: or The delusions of the heart. A tale, founded on facts. : [Six lines from Rowe] : To which is added, Henry and Emma: a poem. By Mathew Prior, Esq
Aikin, John The Juvenile library
Aikin, John Ela, or The delusions of the heart. A tale, founded on facts. : [Six lines from Rowe] : To which is added, Henry and Emma: a poem. By Mathew Prior, Esq. : and The deserted village. By Dr. Goldsmith
Aikin, John Evening tales; consisting of miscellaneous pieces for the amusement and instruction of children, extracted from the works of Mrs. Barbauld and Mr. Aiken
Aikin, John Ela, or The delusions of the heart. A tale, founded on facts. : [Six lines from Rowe] : To which is added, Henry and Emma: a poem. By Mathew Prior, Esq. : and The deserted village. By Dr. Goldsmith
Aikin, John Stories founded on fact. Published for the American Peace Society. : Adapted to Sunday schools
Aikin, John The farmer and soldier. A tale. By Mrs. L.H. Sigourney. ; Published with the approbation of the Connecticut Peace Society
Aikin, John Friendship's gift, or Moral stories. For the amusement and instruction of youth. From the works of Mrs. Barbauld and Dr. Aiken. ; Adorned with six cuts
Aikin, John Memoir of John Aikin, M.D. by Lucy Aikin. ; With a selection of miscellaneous pieces, biographical, moral and critical
Aikin, John Stories for children. By Mrs. Barbauld & Dr. Aikin