Name Editor

The person who selected, revised, and arranged the work for print.


Displaying 426–450 of 854

Person Title
Jevons, Mary Anne Poems for Youth, By a Family Circle
Jevons, Mary Anne The Sacred Offering
Johnson, Richard The History of Sandford and Merton. Abridged from the Original. Embellished with Elegant Plates. The Second Edition.
Johnson, Richard The New English Theatre in Twelve Volumes, containing the most valuable plays which have been acted on the London stage.
Johnson, Richard The History of Sandford and Merton. Abridged from the Original. Embellished with Elegant Plates. The third edition.
Jones, Anna Maria The Works of Sir William Jones. In six volumes.
Jones, James Athearn Lights and Shadows of American Life. Edited By Mary Russell Mitford. In Three Volumes.
Kay, Mary The Widow's Offering. By Mrs. Kay.
Kay, Mary The Widow's Offering. By Mrs. Kay. Second edition.
Kemble, John Philip King Lear; a tragedy, in five acts. By William Shakspeare. Altered as performed. With remarks by Mrs. Inchbald.
Kempe, Alfred The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain: selected from our cathedrals and churches, for the purpose of bringing together, and preserving correct representations of the best historical illustrations extant, from the Norman Conquest to the reign of Henry the Eighth. By C. A. Stothard. Dedicated by permission to the Prince Regent.
Kent, Elizabeth Flora Domestica, or the Portable Flower-garden; with Directions for the Treatment of Plants in Pots; and Illustrations from the Works of the Poets.
Kerby, Joseph Joseph and His Brethren, a Poem, in Four Books. Originally Written by a Lady. Abridged and Corrected by Joseph Kerby, Minister of the Gospel, Old Chapel, Cliff, Lewes.
Kingsford, Mary The Mothers' monthly journal. Edited by Mrs. Mary Kingsford
Knight, Anne The Gleaner, a Selection of Poems for Youth
Knight, Anne Poetic Gleanings, from Modern Writers; with Some Original Pieces. By a governess.
Knight, Anne The Gleaner, a Selection of Poems for Youth
L'Estrange, Sir Roger Terence's comedies made English, with his life, and some remarks. By Mr. Laurence Echard, and others. Revi'd and corrected by Dr. Echard, and Sir R. L'Estrange. The tenth edition.
L'Homond, Charles François Selectae e Veteri Testamento, queis nonnullae ex Apocryphis, sive libri incertae originis, et auctoritatis humanae, adduntur, historiae, : ad usum eorum qui Latinae linguae rudimentis imbuuntur
Landon, Letitia Elizabeth The Heir Presumptive. By Lady Stepney. In Three Volumes.
Landon, Letitia Elizabeth Fisher's drawing room scrap book.
Lardner, Dionysius The Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Conducted by the Rev. Dionysius Lardner. Biography: Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal.
Latham, M. S. The Literary coronet
Law, Elizabeth Susan Il Villagio Abbandonato; Dall' Inglese Di Oliver Goldsmith. Recato in Verso Italiano Con Altri Poemi. Da E. S. L.
Lawrence, Rose D'Aguilar Cameos from the antique; or, the Cabinet of Mythology. Selections illustrative of the mythology of Greece, and Italy for the use of children, and intended as a sequel to the Poetical Primer.