Name Editor

The person who selected, revised, and arranged the work for print.


Displaying 451–475 of 854

Person Title
Lawrence, Rose D'Aguilar Pictures, Scriptural and Historical, or, the Cabinet of History: With Poetical Selections, Religious and Moral, for the Use of Children, Intended as a Sequel to the Poetical Primer. By Mrs. Lawrence.
Lawrence, Rose D'Aguilar Cameos from the antique; or, the Cabinet of Mythology. Selections illustrative of the mythology of Greece, and Italy for the use of children, and intended as a sequel to the Poetical Primer.
Lawrence, Rose D'Aguilar Cameos from the antique; or, the Cabinet of Mythology. Selections illustrative of the mythology of Greece, and Italy for the use of children, and intended as a sequel to the Poetical Primer.
Lawrence, Sarah The Laurel. Fugitive Poetry of the XIXth Century.
Le Brun, Charles Les aventures de Télémaque, fils d'Ulysse. Par M. Fénélon. Nouvelle edition, avec la signification des mots les plus difficiles en anglais au bas de chaque page. À laquelle on a ajouté, un petit dictionnaire mythologique et géographique, pour faciliter l'intelligence de cet ouvrage. Le tout a été soigneusement revu et corrigé par Mr. Charles Le Brun, auteur du Bienfait d'un philosophe, du Fatalisme du préjugé, et traducteur de plusiers ouvrages espagnols et anglais.
Leadbeater, Mary Memoirs and Letters of Richard and Elizabeth Shackleton, Late of Ballitore, Ireland; Compiled by their Daughter Mary Leadbeater. Including a Concise Biographical Sketch, and Some Letters, of her Grandfather Abraham Shackleton.
Leadbeater, Mary Memoirs and Letters of Richard and Elizabeth Shackleton, Late of Ballitore, Ireland; Compiled by their Daughter Mary Leadbeater. Including a Concise Biographical Sketch, and Some Letters, of her Grandfather Abraham Shackleton.
Lefroy, Christopher Edward Carmina Domestica; or Poems on Several Occasions. (The Majority Written in the Early Part of Life). By Mrs. Lefroy.
Lister, Thomas Henry Anne Grey. A Novel. Edited By the Author of “Granby.” In Three Volumes.
Lopez, Mathias Every one has his fault. A comedy, in five acts. By Mrs. Inchbald. ; With a portrait of Mr. Jefferson, in the character of Solus. ; The plays carefully corrected from the prompt books of the Philadelphia Theatre, by M. Lopez, prompter
Lowndes, Thomas Select Miscellaneous Productions, of Mrs. Day, and Thomas Day, Esq. in Verse and Prose: Also, Some Detached Pieces of Poetry, by Thomas Lowndes, Esq. Consisting of the first 52 Pages.
Lussan, Marguerite de The life and heroic actions of Balbe Berton, Chevalier de Grillon. Translated from the French by a Lady, and revised by Mr. Richardson, author of Clarissa, Grandison, &c. In two volumes.
M., C. The Universal Friend's advice. To those of the same religious society recommended to be read in their public meetings for divine worship
M'Culloch, John Acts and proceedings of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America, May 16th, 1799.
M'Knight, John Acts and Proceedings of the Synod of New-York and Philadelphia. A.D. 1787, & 1788.
M'Whorter, Alexander Acts and Proceedings of the Synod of New-York and Philadelphia. A.D. 1787, & 1788.
Mackay, Charles Fisher's drawing room scrap book.
Maigne, Pierre The private journal of Madame Campan, comprising original anecdotes of the French Court; selections from her correspondence, thoughts on education, &c. &c. Edited by M. Maigne.
Manchester, Thomas Strictures on the six principles of the doctrine of Christ, and freedom of choice, by Thomas Manchester, selected from a manuscript written by his wife, Phebe Manchester.
Mant, Elizabeth The Parent's Poetical Anthology: Being a Selection of English Poems Primarily Designed to Assist in Forming the Taste and the Sentiments of Young Readers. Third edition with additions.
Mason, Lowell Juvenile lyre: or Hymns and songs, religious, moral, and cheerful, set to appropriate music. : For the use of primary and common schools
Mason, Lowell Juvenile lyre: or Hymns and songs, religious, moral and cheerful, set to appropriate music. : For the use of primary and common schools
Mason, Lowell Juvenile lyre: or Hymns and songs, religious, moral and cheerful. Set to appropiate music. : For the use of common schools
Mason, Lowell Juvenile lyre: or Hymns and songs, religious, moral, and cheerful, set to appropriate music. : For the use of primary and common schools
Mason, Lowell Juvenile lyre: or Hymns and songs, religious, moral, and cheerful, set to appropriate music. : For the use of primary and common schools