Name American Antiquarian Society
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The American Antiquarian Society is a national research library of American history and culture through 1876 which has been sharing American stories for more than two hundred years.


American Antiquarian Society.

Titles 5770
Firms 15
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Displaying 2626–2650 of 5770

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
20947 Memoirs of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. Containing Communications on Various Subjects in Husbandry & Rural Affairs. To which is added, A Statistical Account of the Schuylkill Permanent Bridge. Vol. I. Peters , Richard
Steele , John D.
Cooper , Joseph
Cooper , Paul
Mease , James
Young , William
Fothergill , Anthony
Kirk , Caleb
Roberts , Algernon
Taylor , John
Matlack , Timothy
Coxe Jr. , William
Coates , Moses
Capner , Joseph
Keemle , John
Pearson , John
Tilton , James
Ashford , William
Bakewell , William
Dickey , Samuel
Main , Thomas
Bartram , William
Peale , Rembrandt
Caldwell , Charles
Leaming , Thomas F.
20948 Memoirs of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. Containing communications on various subjects in Husbandry & Rural Affairs. To which is added, at the request of the Society, "Agricultural Inquiries on Plaister of Paris." Vol. II. Peters , Richard
Lang , John
Phillips , William
Robinson , Abednigo
de Gruchy , J. P.
Steele , John D.
Cooper , Paul
Lyman , Joseph
Taylor , John
Preston , Samuel
Newbold , Thomas
Smith , Samuel Harrison
Roberts , Algernon
Busti , Paul
Barton , Dr.
Armstrong , John
Mease , James
Pickering , Timothy
Garrigues , Edward
Young , William
Lorain , John
Hollingsworth , Z.
Rawle , William
Cutbush , James
Thouin , André
Drayton , C.
Perlee , A.
Baldwin , W.
Mason , W. Wallis
Johnson & Warner (Philadelphia)
20949 Memoirs of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. Containing communications on various subjects in husbandry and rural affairs. Vol. III. Mease , James
Johnson & Warner (Philadelphia)
16803 Memoirs of the private life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France and Navarre. To which are added, recollections, sketches, and anecdotes, illustrative of the reigns of Louis XIV. Louis XV. and Louis XVI. By Madame Campan, first femme de chambre to the Queen. Campan , Jeanne Louise Henriette
Barrière , Jean-François
Abraham Small (Philadelphia)
17657 Memoirs of the Rev. Claudius Buchanan. By the author of "Pierre and his family." ; Revised by the Committee of Publication 1825
17658 Memoirs of the Rev. Henry Martyn. By the author of "Pierre and his family." Revised by the Committee of Publication 1825
20407 Memoirs, or Spiritual exercises of Elisabeth West: written by her own hand. First American, from the last Edinburgh Edition. Corrected by an American gentleman. West , Elisabeth
1817 First American, from the last Edinburgh Edition.
19069 Memorial of Mrs. Anne M. Pinkney, widow and administratrix of the late William Pinkney, dec'd. praying that a balance due her late husband as foreign minister may be paid to her, &c. March 22, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be printed 1830
16103 Memorial of the ladies of Burlington, New Jersey, praying that Congress would protect the Indians in their rights, and in the possession of their lands. February 23, 1830. Ordered to lie on the table, and be printed 1830
16764 Memory. By the author of "Margaret Whyte," "The two lambs," &c. &c Cameron , Lucy Lyttelton
16765 Memory. Revised by the Committee of Publication Cameron , Lucy Lyttelton
20342 Mental improvement, or, The beauties and wonders of nature and art. In a series of instructive conversations. By Priscilla Wakefield, Author of Leisure Hours. Second American, from the fifth London edition. Wakefield , Priscilla
1809 Second American, from the fifth London edition.
20343 Mental improvement, or, The beauties and wonders of nature and art. In a series of instructive conversations. By Priscilla Wakefield, author of Leisure hours. Third American, from the fifth London edition. Wakefield , Priscilla
Johnson & Warner (Philadelphia)
Benjamin Johnson [No. 22, North Second Street] (Philadelphia)
1814 Third American, from the fifth London edition.
20341 Mental improvement: or, The beauties and wonders of nature and art. In a series of instructive conversations. By Priscilla Wakefield, author of Leisure hours Wakefield , Priscilla
20344 Mental improvement: or, The beauties and wonders of nature and art. In a series of instructive conversations. By Priscilla Wakefield, author of Leisure hours. Fourth American, from the fifth London edition. Wakefield , Priscilla
Benjamin Johnson [31 Market Street] (Philadelphia)
1819 Fourth American, from the fifth London edition.
18870 Mentoria, or, The young ladies instructor: in familiar conversations, on industry, orthography, politeness, civility and gratitude, elocution and geography, derivation of words, history, with the life of Romulus and Remus : on church service, spartan form of government, sciences, relative duties of life, complacency and cheerfulness, adversity and prosperity. Calculated to improve young minds in the essential as well as ornamental parts of female education. By Mrs. Murray. From the Eighth London Edition. Murry , Ann
Robert Moore (New York)
1812 From the Eighth London Edition.
19434 Mentoria; or the Young Lady's Friend. In two volumes. By Mrs. Rowson, of the New-Theatre, Philadelphia: Author of The Inquisitor, Fille de Chambre, Victoria, Charlotte, &c. &c. Rowson , Susanna
Robert Campbell (Philadelphia)
15323 Mentorial tales, for the instruction of young ladies just leaving school and entering upon the theatre of life. By Mrs. Pilkington. Pilkington , Mary
Jacob Johnson (Philadelphia)
19050 Mentorial tales, for the instruction of young ladies just leaving school and entering upon theatre of life. By Mrs. Pilkington. Pilkington , Mary
Johnson & Warner (Philadelphia)
20364 Message from the president of the United States, transmitting an original letter from Mrs. Washington, in answer to a letter from him, written in pursuance of the resolution of Congress, requesting her assent to the interment of the remains of General Washington, in the capitol, at the city of Washington. : 8th January, 1800. Referred to the joint committee appointed to prepare and report measures expressive of the profound sorrow with which Congress is penetrated on the death of General George Washington. : (Published by order of the House of Representatives 1800
16698 Messiah's kingdom. A poem. In twelve books. By Agnes Bulmer. ; [Six lines of quotations Bulmer , Agnes
18997 Method of spiritual culture; being an explanatory preface to the second edition of Record of a school 1836
16104 Midnight horrors; or, The bandit's daughter. An original romance. : To which is added, the story of The blind girl du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité
Freeman Scott
21521 Militia elections. Notice is hereby given, to the enrolled inhabitants residing within the bounds of the [blank] Company, [blank] Regiment, First Brigade, First Division, Pennsylvania Militia, that they are to meet at the house of [blank] on [blank] and then and there ... elect by ballot. Sharp , Daniel
24571 Ministers of the Gospel workers together with Christ. A sermon preached at Tiverton October. 1, 1746. By the Reverend Mr. Othniel Campbell, at his instalment to the pastoral office in the church of Christ lately gathered there. Campbell , Othniel