Name The English Novel, 1800–1829 Update 1 (Apr 2000–May 2001)
Online Source

A list of updates to the second volume of The English Novel, 1770–1829: A Bibliographical Survey of Prose Fiction published in the British Isles (Oxford: OUP, 2000), co-edited by Peter Garside and Rainer Schöwerling, with the assistance of Christopher Skelton-Foord and Karin Wünsche.


Garside, Peter, Jacqueline Belanger, and Anthony Mandal. The English Novel, 1800–1829 & 1830–1836 : Update 1. 

Titles 13
Firms 0
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Displaying 1–13 of 13

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
14686 Blue-Stocking Hall. In Three Volumes. Chetwode , Anne
Henry Colburn [New Burlington Street] (London)
14683 Dorothea, or a Ray of the New Light. In Three Volumes. Bullock , Mrs.
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
9410 Florence: or The Aspirant. A Novel, in three volumes. Robertson , Mrs.
Whittaker, Treacher, and Arnot (London)
5284 Selina, a novel, founded on facts. By a lady. In three volumes. Ventum , Harriet
Charles Law (London)
14684 She Thinks for Herself. In Three Volumes. Hughes , Mrs. Harriot
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
14685 St. Aubin; or The Infidel. In Two Volumes. Stewart , Janet
Thomas Oliver and George Boyd [High Street] (Edinburgh)
14687 Tales of My Time. By the Author of Blue-Stocking Hall. In Three Volumes. Chetwode , Anne
Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley (London)
14688 Tales Original and Translated from the Spanish. By a Lady. Embellished with Eight Engravings on Wood. Unknown , [Woman]
John Joseph Stockdale [41 Pall Mall] (London)
14690 The Age We Live In: A Fragment. Dedicated to Every Young Lady of Fashion. Unknown ,
Lackington, Allen and Co. (London)
5206 The child of hope; or, infidelity punished. A novel. By a lady. In three volumes. Pilkington , Mary
Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] (London)
8684 The Impertinent Wife: A Moral Tale: Containing also, the Fair Penitent, Dalidor & Mulce, and Lovers Without Love. From the French of Madame Genlis. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité
Minerva Press, Lane, Newman, and Co. (London)
14689 The Sister, a Tale. In Two Volumes. By Mrs. H. Lefanu, Daughter of the Late Thomas Sheridan, M.A. Lefanu , Elizabeth
8222 The Wife; or, Caroline Herbert. By the late author of the "Exemplary Mother." Cooper , Maria Susanna
Thomas Becket and John Porter (London)