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Sherwood, Mary Martha. Easy questions for a little child. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his Bearer," &c. Seventh edition.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 10671, Accessed 2024-09-07.

Sherwood, Mary M. Easy questions for a little child. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his Bearer," &c. Seventh edition. Wellington: Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington], 1825.

@book{ wphp_10671
  author={Sherwood,Mary Martha},
  title={Easy questions for a little child. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his Bearer," &c. Seventh edition.},
  publisher={Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington] \& },
  address={Wellington},    }

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