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Cowper, William. The Beauties of Cowper; or, Extracts from the Works of that Great Poet; for the Use of Schools, and the instruction and amusement of young persons of both sexes. By John Corry, author of Original Tales, the Friend of Youth, and several other publications.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 12412, Accessed 2024-09-07.

@book{ wphp_12412
  title={The Beauties of Cowper; or, Extracts from the Works of that Great Poet; for the Use of Schools, and the instruction and amusement of young persons of both sexes. By John Corry, author of Original Tales, the Friend of Youth, and several other publications.},
  address={Rochdale},    }

Suggestions and Comments for The Beauties of Cowper; or, Extracts from the Works of that Great Poet; for the Use of Schools, and the instruction and amusement of young persons of both sexes. By John Corry, author of Original Tales, the Friend of Youth, and several other publications.
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