Juvenile Rambles through the Paths of Nature; in which many parts of the wonderful works of the creation are brought forward, and made familiar to the capacity of every little miss and master, who wishes to become wise and good. Embellished with cuts.
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Unknown. Juvenile Rambles through the Paths of Nature; in which many parts of the wonderful works of the creation are brought forward, and made familiar to the capacity of every little miss and master, who wishes to become wise and good. Embellished with cuts.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 12711, https://womensprinthistoryproject.com/title/12711. Accessed 2025-03-26.
@book{ wphp_12711 author={Unknown,}, year={}, title={Juvenile Rambles through the Paths of Nature; in which many parts of the wonderful works of the creation are brought forward, and made familiar to the capacity of every little miss and master, who wishes to become wise and good. Embellished with cuts.}, publisher={Elizabeth Newbery}, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for Juvenile Rambles through the Paths of Nature; in which many parts of the wonderful works of the creation are brought forward, and made familiar to the capacity of every little miss and master, who wishes to become wise and good. Embellished with cuts.