Youthful recreations, containing many amusements of a day, as spent by Master Freelove and his companions. Interspersed with stories, suitable observations, verses, and other matters of instruction and entertainment.
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Unknown. Youthful recreations, containing many amusements of a day, as spent by Master Freelove and his companions. Interspersed with stories, suitable observations, verses, and other matters of instruction and entertainment.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 12935, Accessed 2025-03-31.
@book{ wphp_12935 author={Unknown,}, year={1789}, title={Youthful recreations, containing many amusements of a day, as spent by Master Freelove and his companions. Interspersed with stories, suitable observations, verses, and other matters of instruction and entertainment.}, publisher={Elizabeth Newbery}, address={London}, }
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