The whole works of Sir James Ware concerning Ireland. Revised and improved. In three volumes. Vol. I. Containing, the history of the bishops of that kingdom, and such matters ecclesiastical and civil, in which they were concerned, from the first propagation of Christianity therein to the present time. As also, a table of the names and most remarkable matters contained in this volume. The whole adorned with variety of copper plates.
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Ware, James. The whole works of Sir James Ware concerning Ireland. Revised and improved. In three volumes. Vol. I. Containing, the history of the bishops of that kingdom, and such matters ecclesiastical and civil, in which they were concerned, from the first propagation of Christianity therein to the present time. As also, a table of the names and most remarkable matters contained in this volume. The whole adorned with variety of copper plates.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 14576, Accessed 2025-03-28.
Ware, James. The whole works of Sir James Ware concerning Ireland. Revised and improved. In three volumes. Vol. I. Containing, the history of the bishops of that kingdom, and such matters ecclesiastical and civil, in which they were concerned, from the first propagation of Christianity therein to the present time. As also, a table of the names and most remarkable matters contained in this volume. The whole adorned with variety of copper plates. Dublin: 1739.
Ware , J. (1739). The whole works of sir james ware concerning ireland. revised and improved. in three volumes. vol. i. containing, the history of the bishops of that kingdom, and such matters ecclesiastical and civil, in which they were concerned, from the first propagation of christianity therein to the present time. as also, a table of the names and most remarkable matters contained in this volume. the whole adorned with variety of copper plates. Dublin:
@book{ wphp_14576 author={Ware,James}, year={1739}, title={The whole works of Sir James Ware concerning Ireland. Revised and improved. In three volumes. Vol. I. Containing, the history of the bishops of that kingdom, and such matters ecclesiastical and civil, in which they were concerned, from the first propagation of Christianity therein to the present time. As also, a table of the names and most remarkable matters contained in this volume. The whole adorned with variety of copper plates.}, publisher={}, address={Dublin}, }
Suggestions and Comments for The whole works of Sir James Ware concerning Ireland. Revised and improved. In three volumes. Vol. I. Containing, the history of the bishops of that kingdom, and such matters ecclesiastical and civil, in which they were concerned, from the first propagation of Christianity therein to the present time. As also, a table of the names and most remarkable matters contained in this volume. The whole adorned with variety of copper plates.