Letters on the medical service in the Royal Navy; with occasional remarks: in which are included new observations on the general practice of physic, and the best means for preserving the health of His Majesty's seamen.
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Renwick, Michael. Letters on the medical service in the Royal Navy; with occasional remarks: in which are included new observations on the general practice of physic, and the best means for preserving the health of His Majesty's seamen.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 15050, https://womensprinthistoryproject.com/title/15050. Accessed 2025-03-28.
@book{ wphp_15050 author={Renwick,Michael}, year={1783}, title={Letters on the medical service in the Royal Navy; with occasional remarks: in which are included new observations on the general practice of physic, and the best means for preserving the health of His Majesty's seamen.}, publisher={William Renwick \& }, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for Letters on the medical service in the Royal Navy; with occasional remarks: in which are included new observations on the general practice of physic, and the best means for preserving the health of His Majesty's seamen.