Essay on education; in which the subject is treated as a natural science: in a series of short familiar lectures. Published periodically. By Mrs. Barbara O'Sullivan Addicks. Copy right secured.
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Addicks, Barbara O'Sullivan. Essay on education; in which the subject is treated as a natural science: in a series of short familiar lectures. Published periodically. By Mrs. Barbara O'Sullivan Addicks. Copy right secured.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 16292, Accessed 2025-03-16.
@book{ wphp_16292 author={Addicks,Barbara O'Sullivan}, year={1831}, title={Essay on education; in which the subject is treated as a natural science: in a series of short familiar lectures. Published periodically. By Mrs. Barbara O'Sullivan Addicks. Copy right secured.}, publisher={}, address={Philadelphia}, }
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