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Billings, Unknown. Memoirs of the life and character of Mrs. Billings, late of Somers, Con. These memoirs present to the public solemn events. Some time before Mrs. Billings' death, she was very sick, and her breath departed for a considerable part of an hour, and to appearance she was dead; but after this she instantly revived, arose from her bed, walked, and was in comfortable health, and gave an account of what she had seen. Ample evidence exists of the facts.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 16564, Accessed 2024-09-20.

@book{ wphp_16564
  author={Billings, and Unknown,},
  title={Memoirs of the life and character of Mrs. Billings, late of Somers, Con. These memoirs present to the public solemn events. Some time before Mrs. Billings' death, she was very sick, and her breath departed for a considerable part of an hour, and to appearance she was dead; but after this she instantly revived, arose from her bed, walked, and was in comfortable health, and gave an account of what she had seen. Ample evidence exists of the facts.},
  address={Palmer},    }

Suggestions and Comments for Memoirs of the life and character of Mrs. Billings, late of Somers, Con. These memoirs present to the public solemn events. Some time before Mrs. Billings' death, she was very sick, and her breath departed for a considerable part of an hour, and to appearance she was dead; but after this she instantly revived, arose from her bed, walked, and was in comfortable health, and gave an account of what she had seen. Ample evidence exists of the facts.
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