An account of Rose Butler, aged nineteen years, whose execution I attended in the potter's field, on the 9th of 7th mo. for setting fire to her mistress' dwelling house. By Dorothy Ripley.
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Ripley, Dorothy. An account of Rose Butler, aged nineteen years, whose execution I attended in the potter's field, on the 9th of 7th mo. for setting fire to her mistress' dwelling house. By Dorothy Ripley.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 19209, Accessed 2025-03-27.
@book{ wphp_19209 author={Ripley,Dorothy}, year={1819}, title={An account of Rose Butler, aged nineteen years, whose execution I attended in the potter's field, on the 9th of 7th mo. for setting fire to her mistress' dwelling house. By Dorothy Ripley.}, publisher={}, address={New York City}, }
Suggestions and Comments for An account of Rose Butler, aged nineteen years, whose execution I attended in the potter's field, on the 9th of 7th mo. for setting fire to her mistress' dwelling house. By Dorothy Ripley.